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@sci-fitsunami same here. I’m buying all the ones I missed just in case the same thing happens. I even preordered all of the new ones which I never do
@sci-fitsunami same here. I’m buying all the ones I missed just in case the same thing happens. I even preordered all of the new ones which I never do
I'm just gonna focus on the unique characters that are new to the line & not worry about all the damn variants. If I miss a version of He-Man or Skeletor I won't really care. As long as I have 1 version to represent each character I'm good. These are too expensive to be a completionist.
@sci-fitsunami same here. I’m buying all the ones I missed just in case the same thing happens. I even preordered all of the new ones which I never do
I'm just gonna focus on the unique characters that are new to the line & not worry about all the damn variants. If I miss a version of He-Man or Skeletor I won't really care. As long as I have 1 version to represent each character I'm good. These are too expensive to be a completionist.
To me the Masterverse isn't that expensive. They are only $3 more than the ToGs and $4 more than the CCs.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
We have the Power!
I got my New Eternia Mekaneck and he is awesome! This is the best version of the character ever no question. Being able to finally pose him with bends and twists on his neck instead of just straight up makes him look so much better.
Poor Mekaneck frequently gets teased as a lesser character with a not so useful power, but I personally have always liked him. Not sure why, maybe I just see the coolness and potential that others (even in universe) don't.
Has Mekaneck ever been shown without his helmet?
Poor Mekaneck frequently gets teased as a lesser character with a not so useful power, but I personally have always liked him. Not sure why, maybe I just see the coolness and potential that others (even in universe) don't.
Most MOTU characters are ignored & pushed to the back. They are lucky to get any screen time at all while Teela & Man-At-Arms hog it all up. The worst thing about MOTU is how they ignore the vast majority of the characters. He-Man, Teela & Man-At-Arms are really the only characters. All the other characters who showed up in Revelation/Revolution were nothing more than background scenery/cameos/fan-service.
"We have to stick them in somewhere so the fans won't complain. But we really don't want to. We only want to focus on He-Man, Teela & Man-At-Arms 100% of the time." Look how poorly they handled Stinkor. They had absolutely no clue what to do with him. It was pathetic! He was stuck in there for 2 seconds just because.
Mekaneck is my favorite Heroic Warrior, and I agree, the "lame" jokes surrounding him since 200X are grating. In my mind, he's the sarcastic joker of the group.
@durendal I vaguely remember seeing a pic of him sans helmet, I think it may have been from a comic somewhere. He had really big goofy-looking eyes.
@sci-fitsunami I know that it isn't MOTU, but I thought She-Ra Princesses of Power did a great job of fleshing out characters over 5 seasons. Granted, that Netflix show had 52 episodes to do so but I agree even the 100+ Filmation episodes did a poor job of fleshing out the vast majority of characters. 2000x did a better job IMHO but had so few episodes. And Revelation/Revolutions had even fewer episodes to work with.
@sci-fitsunami As a Fan who comes from the toys and comics (from way back), but like you, I hear you about showcasing more of the super-cool other characters. For me it was always a group like the Avengers, not always He-Man, He-Man, He-Man.
Yet you saw what happened when they tried to move away from him for a few episodes…
Since the MOTU REV series builds on Filmation, I guess I’m not too surprised that it focuses so much on the core family of He-Man, Teela, MAA, … This is how the *vast* majority of people who know MOTU , picture it. We can blame Lou Scheimer. (As an adult, I learned to appreciate the different Charme and warmth of it).
I disagree though, what you say about Stinkor, etc I thought his little scene was effective, as was Scare Glow, Roboto, … couple more things. I appreciated Snout Spout, Rio, etc
It just wasn’t enough episodes.
As for the toys, I’m ok with re-releasing MAA, Teela, He-Man and Skeletor on regular basis, as long as we get stuff like Leech, Sy-Clone, Snout Spout, Clamp Champ, Buzz Off, Roboto, too, and hopefully many more such figures.
It is a retail line. Mattel is not stupid. I believe they know what they’re doing. As long as I get my beloved weirdos every now and then!
@sci-fitsunami I disagree though, what you say about Stinkor, etc I thought his little scene was effective,
What was "effective" about it? He showed up, 2 girls completely canceled his 1 power by using respirators & then beat his ass without a fight. Stinkor is one of my favorite characters so I was insulted. He served no purpose & was completely useless. He just showed up to get beat up by 2 girls.
I still think Stinkor should be the evil master of chemical warfare. Smelling bad isn't much of a threat. He should be using all kinds of poison gases instead. He needs something that can render a gas mask or respirator completely useless. Stinkor could be one of Skeletor's most dangerous minions but they don't care about using him correctly. He's just a punching bag for the girls to play with.
@sci-fitsunami Ok I take offense how you’re using “two girls” here, sorry. SMH Teela is not just a girl. She’s one of the Original Eight in the line. And Andra is a formidable mentee of her.
You got something against “girls”?
And yeah, you can amp up the powers of all the (evil) characters and make them super scary and horror like. But not everyone’s cup of tea. Depends on taste.
I maintain that Stinkor’s scene was fun, for me. It was surprising how he showed up, nicely animated, looked cool, had a little fight, but was bested by two heroic warriors… I enjoyed it. But you do you ✌️
Pff... Teela would had whupped his smelly butt alone with one arm bound behind her back and only by holding breath.
*plays random alphasigmaomega female bad ass rapsong*
@sci-fitsunami Ok I take offense how you’re using “two girls” here, sorry. SMH Teela is not just a girl. She’s one of the Original Eight in the line. And Andra is a formidable mentee of her.
You got something against “girls”?
Ok! ENOUGH! I'm not even gonna respond to this nonsense.
Got my “processing soon” notice from BBTS for MV PoP Leech!
Whole wave hit my POL this morning.
So we have Hordak, Leech, TP He-man, and Sy-Klone releasing now...
BA Skeletor, Snake Teela, NE Mer-man, and Man-of-War releasing next...
Movie Beast Man and the Skeletor throne set coming soon...
The NE Horde Trooper releasing sometime on Mattel Creations...
Rumors of TP He-man, NE Evil-lyn, NE Fisto, and an unknown army builder figure in the winds...
Any other Masterverse figures coming or rumored???
We still need a Masterverse Panthor with that Battle Cat mold just waiting to be used. (flocked please with ram helmet included as a display option!)
@grayskullguardsman The lack of Panthor is surprising considering the building blocks are there. Perhaps the sales of Battle Cat was poor. Masterverse has yet to attempt any mounts or vehicles since Battle Cat.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
Paulmart has a few Webstors in stock. $94 but cheaper than it’s been so I bit the bullet and got one
Paulmart has a few Webstors in stock. $94 but cheaper than it’s been so I bit the bullet and got one
If I only knew how valuable those would become I would of stocked up.
Save BIG on select Masters of the Universe items at the SUMMER SALE going on right now at Mattel Creations! (No affiliation)
We have the Power!