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Is this one of the US only deals?
Here I am still hoping for 2018 style ones... :3
I am having a bad feeling about this, then we watch it in some years and be like "this movie is great"
I honestly did not see this coming, still not gonna get the game tough...
The usual suspects will be unhappy most likely, still most people seems to think he will do good. 🤞🏻
Universal: This makes me very angry. Very angry indeed. NOTE: universal owns DreamWorks
Safe to say Universal might be pissed?
Judging from the looks of things She-Ra has a much bigger fandom among the younger crowd... It also does not help that some countries have strict regu...
I dunno this fandom is not getting any younger... {wink}:catra:
That your standard is "free" and "on YouTube" and not "factual" and "unbiased" speaks volumes. [/quote]Ok then mr.american tell me about a free ...
Kevin Smith said so himself in the video that they do not own all itterations of the character, that might be enough to get DreamWorks/Univesal callin...
Apparently they are on wait to decide how to end it? If they can or cannot use She-Ra is the big wait... {wink}:catra: Yep that about sums it up...
If there was any truth to Mattel screwing DreamWorks over, then my bet is no? I believed using Despara and avoiding princess Adora was steps to get a ...
My best guess is if this is made for teens and the setting is Earth, only more open minded people should give it a shot. If it follows POP or SPOP for...
New Eternia this whole batch, not really collecting those but the Evil-Lyn looks neat.
Will be hard to top She-Ra 2018, tough I am glad it was not flat out cancelled!
Man the only good news is it seems He-Man and Skeletor is very likely to come to Fortnite... (a relible insider source claimed so) I am hoping for...
Latest trailer for Geeked makes me think it will not be until 2025, they showed us nothing in the trailer. Then again I know Gundam was also not te...
Much wow! :3