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Last seen: Jan 10, 2025
You can buy them but it will be on ebay for three times the price.
It looks like Mattel Creations is changing around their shipping policies and rates.
I wondered about that too. If Masterverse wasn't selling they wouldn't make anymore. Do they make lower quantities with Origins? Who knows.
@asterstar it was. It makes no sense.
So Mattel changed their listing 15 minutes before? I'm sorry but what a bunch of asshats. There is no way Mattel didn't have that information beforeha...
Right on.
There's no excuse for the stress this shit causes people but Mattel will probably go the Rokkon route again and open it up Tuesday to other countries.
@smitty-81 That figure is crazy.
Scott is back.
I am missing some mini comic versions. I don't get the appeal. I also hate that He-Skeletor.
Damn. At what point is this taking advantage of OCD collectors.
@depp76 If that is real Sy-Klone surprises me. I figured we'd get something like a Rokkon from Revolution in Masterverse before we got him.
I'm also thinking it's like a cuteness Baby Yoda thing. There's people who like Star Wars but don't collect Star Wars yet they still bought a Baby Yod...
I'm lucky I don't have to go through it but it's still a damn shame what overseas collectors have to pay in mark up and shipping just to get some of t...
@brasco Is it one of those pay to win games or do you just pay for the skins?
Orko did astronomically well? I would have never expected that. The cuteness factor could be hitting an untapped market. Orko could be some collectors...
$265? For that?
@smitty-81 that was fast.
@lasastard @mrhootiedean You both are speaking my language. Mattel is overplaying their hand with these Snake Men. Interest was lost when 200X did i...