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This past January, Umbrella Entertainment announced a “Masters Of The Universe” (1987) Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray pre-order featuring various goodies like replica lobby cards and a 48 page book. (That initial report can be found HERE). Originally due to ship this month, instead of receiving a shipping notification, collectors surprisingly received the following message: Region-B Locked…
We have the Power!
It certainly seems reasonable to think Umbrella Entertainment should have known what artwork they were authorized to use, as well as what region they were legally permitted to release in, at the time of pre-order with some due diligence…
That's for damn sure.
This is quite embarrassing.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
I have a region-free player, and I do not particularly care about the slip cover artwork since it will be spine-facing on my shelf anyway. However, it is aggravating that they do not have their act together, and that this is the second set of changes, and now there is a delay.
Oh what the hell. Now I have to invest in another all region disc player or cancel my damn order? Also they couldn't come up with another graphic for the case other than that generic overused US poster? WTF