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Last seen: Mar 17, 2025
@smitty-81 I was also thinking that maybe it's because you can use the parts to make the Filmation version or it can just be the toy version.
@abaddon Maybe the Vintage Collection figure is the "4th" for this and the next wave.
There are are likely lots of reasons Mattel isn't just putting out all the vintage figs back to back that combine for this situation. I'm sure a lot i...
I can't be the only person who just mutes these randos and scrubs until they find the open fig \ comparisons? I'll listen to Pixel Dan \ other folks. ...
@sci-fitsunami Clawful but really anyone who deviates in the cartoon.
Do you legit not understand why he looks the way he did? Or is this more of an "angry at the reality we all experience" thing? I need to know if I sho...
@chrisa That's good news. Mine also broke in the same way. Getting the other piece out of his arm was a whole situation. There are still a bunch of K...
@smitty-81 No disagreement on the criticism of the production at all. I would fully agree that's it's barebones at best and I'm also someone annoyed b...
@smitty-81 Sure, there is a scale and some people are on different points of it. Dude's not going to get followed by me, but when I'm just looking for...
@kraken Is a degree or certification required to make one a professional? Didn't they all start out this way?
@smitty-81 Gotcha. I hope they are planning something! I've loved the ToG line. My take is that the two hole setup is a cross compatibility thing spec...
@smitty-81 I think it could but they don't seem to mind tooling new gear\armor so I'd imagine Blade is going to primarily be a standard buck with new ...
@smitty-81 Totally agree, except I have weird love for Lord Gr'Asp. I just imagine he's the Snake Men's version of Karg and there's something about th...
I'm all in on Terroar. That's just a great and absurd reuse of parts.
@smitty-81 I think of a lug wrench from a car's jack every time I see it.
I've assumed that the CC Ram Man would use the "Fat Guy" buck from the WWE and the armor from Mutated Ram Man but with a new head \ arms and non goat...
@smitty-81 And they look good. I'm wondering about Splinter's cape now. The cape \ fur are separate from the armor so those could be compatible.
When I was looking at the figures, I noticed that even the bad guys have the new two peg back armor setup, just like the turtles. I can't imagine that...
@smitty-81 it is and it isn't. I spent 3 hours in some awful traffic only to loop around to a target that I had already been to. So in terms of $$ I'm...
Given our earlier discussion of retail availability I wanted to shared my past 3 days. I took my kid down to see my parents for a few days and took th...
@kraken At mine he sold out of the first run, then was put on sale\ clearanced until they were gone. Both Targets had Sla'kker in stock and I don't th...
@smitty-81 That explains his appearance in the walmart link, which is actually just a UPC for the "Deluxe ToG" wave so I'll just have to keep checking...
One of the walmarts near me was showing the Mutated Merman in stock. It's one of the geoblocked items, so I thought it was legit. Thankfully it's not ...
On the shipping stuff. I have all my stuff preordered with BBTS. I only made this quickie jump because it was "in stock" so the influencer 15% counted...
I got mine a couple weeks agoish from Entertainment Earth. They had the whole case up and I quickly jumped on that and cancelled my BBTS order. I'm, n...