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Extendar secured! Woohoo!
I got my Extendar order in! Nice and easy!
I got mine but for some reason all of my info was deleted and had to put it all in again the whole time hoping it wouldn’t sell out while typing
I had a job interview and got home just in time to get my order in.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Anyone know how long he was up before he sold out?
I thought I checked an hour ago and he was still up then. I am surprised he lasted a lot longer than Rokkon unless they made more of him.
@andy_wan_kenobi same here!
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Little surprised it sold out in less than a day - goes to show that Origins still creates a lot of interest. Loved the figure as a kid, looking forward to getting it in hand eventually. International shipping tends to be quite a bit slower, don't expect to have him here before the end of June... Ah well, hopefully it'll be worth the wait 😉 Glad they managed to get most of the action feature in, would have been beyond lame if extending all of his limbs would have required extension pieces, ala Mechaneck. Shame about the legs tho :/
@lasastard his arm and legs require extension pieces. It's only his neck and torso that actually extend.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Hi, then I must have missed that in that Youtube video from a few weeks ago....that's a bummer. I get why Mattel designed the Origins figures the way they did, but the interchangability does nothing for me; would have preferred to have working action features instead. A well, I won't be playing with these and "manually" extending him for the display seems like a tolerable amount of effort 😉
@lasastard Mattel definitely makes a decision as to who gets an action feature on a case by case basis. There's a lot of factors that go into making that decision that we just don't know about. While sometimes their decisions seem inconsistent, I think fan reaction has influenced some of it.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Shipping notice for Extendar, whoo!
Anytime a new “vintage” figure comes out, I get more excited about Origins again.(Recently, I kinda felt a bit more into my Masterverse purchases)
I mean, I’m getting some selected ToG and CC figures here and there, but the “Vintage style” series is really what gets me hyped. Even when they do new characters or new (sigh) snakes. 😏
@cosmic I couldn't agree more. The VC has been the highlight of origins. Turtles of Grayskull is a lot of fun and the CC has its cool accessories, but there's is something about the prospect of a new Rio-Blast or completing the "Lost Wave" that just seems more magical.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Got my shipping notice for Extendar as well!
Adam and Cringer processing soon!
Got the notice also.
Going through my preorder list/known figures
Have these popped up anywhere to order?
Vypor (pretty sure this had a tiny window on amazon, or just placement page)
Cartoon Spikor
Cartoon Clawful
Red Horde Trooper