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Last seen: Jan 21, 2025
@kraken At mine he sold out of the first run, then was put on sale\ clearanced until they were gone. Both Targets had Sla'kker in stock and I don't th...
@smitty-81 That explains his appearance in the walmart link, which is actually just a UPC for the "Deluxe ToG" wave so I'll just have to keep checking...
One of the walmarts near me was showing the Mutated Merman in stock. It's one of the geoblocked items, so I thought it was legit. Thankfully it's not ...
On the shipping stuff. I have all my stuff preordered with BBTS. I only made this quickie jump because it was "in stock" so the influencer 15% counted...
I got mine a couple weeks agoish from Entertainment Earth. They had the whole case up and I quickly jumped on that and cancelled my BBTS order. I'm, n...
This figure looks great. I'm glad the Horde is getting some love between this and the Extendar mini comic.
@samuel Sorry, I meant the grappling hook as the weapon. It looks different but I wasn't sure if it functioned differently.
Is this Webstor's weapon any different from the original release?
First, is there a Toy Habits forum? Where did you post? This is just my curiosity and looking for other places to read about \ chatter about this kind...
I'm really excited for the Powers of Grayskull stuff. Is Vac Metal less expensive than flocking? Because that seems to guarantee a MC or retailer exc...
[/quote] Kids back in the 80's weren't as soft. We could handle some blood and guts. [/quote] Interestingly enough, I've been trying to do the m...
I think the really interesting revelation \ argument here is that MOTU was aimed at teens \ young adults. I don't think I've ever heard that, even abo...
I feel like there was some speculation that the origins Keldor head was the same as the classics head, but I don't remember the specifics but he's not...
@brasco It's 8-10 Mossemen at 3 different Walmarts in my area. One Walmart got them early and then the others got him months later. Both Targets in my...
And my Sy-Clones have already shipped! That was faster than I expected.
I thought classics had several non-robot troopers? Didn't one of the sets come with multiple heads?
I wouldn't say the team is copying classics because they are picking and choosing what they bring in and changing things. I'm glad that they are not o...
This was actually more content that I was expecting. I came in on the segment exploring the vault and I was hoping it wasn't just going to be a skin d...
That Horde Trooper looks great!
I got 2 and an Uno set. That was pretty easy, I hope it was the same for the rest of you.