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I was so sad when I saw this! But Melendy Britt's post made me smile and cry at the same time! What an awesome person she is! I met here once here in ...
I could be wrong, but I seem to rememeber him being an Amazon exclusive.
Please let this happen! oh please!!
@brasco That is so true! Just glad to have those memories so I can drift back to those days from time to time.
@pop-inamorata They were all older. And it is hard some days. Mostly around holidays when we used to all gather together. I have great friends who I c...
This thread is so awseome! He-man and She-ra were my life as a child in the 80's. The 80's were also when I became a teen. I never stopped looking f...
Anyone know what is coming on Mattel creations this week APRIL 16TH?
Just got my King Grayskull! He is awesome!
@longtooth It was $25 on bigbadtoystore.
Mine was this Awesome Crystar figure! crystar.webp
@longtooth I watched Johnny Quest! Loved it growing up!
I have yet to see it! I hear its good!
@admin Glad you liked it! And I agree! going to own this one as well!
I did! It was very fun like the ones from the 50s, 60s, 70s
Godzilla Minus one
These are simply awesome!!! {laugh}:duncan:
Welcome! and yes lets make this place home!
Its sad that the org is gone....maybe one day it will return. But I hope this place can be our new home. Here is to the future!! 🙂