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[Sticky] What does He-Man mean to you?

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This has been on my mind lately. Recently I have been going through some health issues and have been in a real dark place lately. Thankfully there has been some light. This started in the form of Masters of the Universe Revelation. Right when I needed it most there he was the Champion. My childhood hero. I watched eagerly as I shoved cereal into my face like it was the 80's all over again. I gave this a few re-watches in the coming months. It pulled me a bit out of the darkness I had gotten into. I then watched the CGI He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. While not fully my cup of tea I did enjoy it and saw what who they were trying to market towards. After that I started to reflect on my life and all the times I can remember with He-Man. I have been told I was a bit of a nightmare when I saw the figures and was told "No" to getting one. I think I was introduced to the figures around the time the show came out. I was 3 in 1983. I do remember watching the cartoon on T.V. and playing with my figures acting out the stories. I also have memories of the audio records, cassettes, (a few of which I still have with picture books, Secret of the Sword for books and tapes), one I am unsure of what is on it but will listen to soon. I also still have the Panini sticker book. Sadly my toys were sold off when I was stupid. I have some comics not sure which though. In 1987 my parents were going through a messy divorce and guess who appeared in theaters, He-Man. I latched onto this movie for all I was worth. I saw it in the theater and went home to act it out with my friend the same day. When it came out on VHS and I was with my dad every other weekend I would rent it and watch it over and over again. Now in 2024 I once again find myself in a dark fog. My health mentally and physically have not been too good. I am on a stress leave from work. But guess who is back to shine some light? He-Man once again graces my screen. I have watched Revaluation between 7 and 10 times now. I also purchased some figures to put up in my home office. Origins figures for now. He-Man, Skeletor, and Prince Adam on the Sky-Sled. I do plan on maybe buying some Masterverse figures but money has to be saved. I did recently find out that I am to be a grand father.

Good Journey.

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He-Man taught me that the real strength of a person are measure by their hearts.

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I guess for me it reminds me of my childhood. We weren’t well off by any means back in the 80s but we weren’t poor. So every Saturday after the weekly food shop if I’d behaved all week etc we would go down to the local toy shop (a little independent that still remains to this day) and I would get the choice of an action figure of my choice. Sometimes it might be a Kenner Star Wars toy or maybe a Bravestarr figure but only if they didn’t have a MotU figure I needed or wanted. It took a long time for my parents to be able to save for Grayskull, Snake Mountain and Fright Zone, so my dad made me three awesome fortresses out of wood and painted them up. They became the three villains bases but they also served as Star Wars rebel hideouts and Vader’s castle and many other thing. One castle even got turned upside down and covered in a tea towel and used as table for tea parties when my cousins came over, back then it was me, my sister and my 6 girl cousins. None of whom wanted to play with my He-man toys until She-ra came along. I still have the fortresses and all my original MotU toys and books, which all came down from the attic when my son was old enough.

With that said MotU reminds me of time spent with mum on a Saturday, all the time I played with dad for hours with action figures and the new memories I created with my own son. 

plus I learnt not run with scissors, not to play practical jokes, not to talk to strangers, don’t ram my head into things, respect the magna Carter and real beauty comes within, among other things.

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Great thread and stories, y'all.... Even though there's difficulty in some. 

Long story short, I don't have a lot of good memories from growing up.  However, there are a few and I still enjoy them. Reading comic books, MOTU, Transformers...  They were fun activities that allowed me some peace. 

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Masters Of The Universe & Princess Of Power opened a portal into a wide universe for magic for me, then I discovered New Adventures Of He-Man much later on and the portal widened. The characters and stories of all this inspire me so much in so many ways, and I would to create worlds of entertainment like this too. 😀 

Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!

Royal Guard
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@fendi This is a very wholesome answer. I agree fully that He-Man taught us the lesson of being someone who can stand up for themselves and others when needed.

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@dan1980 This it the type of story I like. Seeing how the toys were not the only part of the experience. I too came from a family that was not rich but not poor either. It's good that your dad made you the "playsets" until you could get the real ones. I'm sure those brought more meaning for you as they were made out of love. Nice to know you got to keep all your stuff and are passing down to your son.

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@griff I also don't have all that many great memories from my childhood it was a rocky one. Having toys to escape with and have some peace was something I enjoyed too. Difficult times forge us in ways we can't imagine but knowing there was at least some good times makes it easier to deal with.

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@michaelholloway Being able to widen ones imagination is a great thing. I love creating stories still to this day. Now mind you I am no author and none will ever be published but its for me to keep myself as open with my imagination as possible.

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Your dad sounds like my kind of guy.  I hope you realize how blessed you were to have had him growing up.  🙂




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@thedoctor Truth!

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@theman I am indeed. He is 70 this year and we go walking together 3 times a week for a few miles around a beautiful nature reserve near us. He still regales me with stories about of years gone by. I recently learned that nearly a century ago a great great aunt used to work as a serving maid in a stately home in the area and ‘got herself into trouble’ while there. She was quietly sent home with what would have been a very generous pay off back then. This summer we are hoping to climb Mount Snowdon together for the third time, so expecting lots of stories after several pints in which ever pub we drag ourselves into after the descent.

@thedoctor yeah I have lots of treasured memories that money could never buy. Riches may not have flowed in our household but love definitely did. 

Royal Guard
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@dan1980 Money comes and goes and is not all that matters. Sure it can bring some happiness but love is the most important aspect of humanity.



I hope your hike with your dad goes well. I don't get to see my real dad much these days due to life and all. But my step-dad who was there a lot I see regularly. I remember a broad sword he made out of hockey sticks.

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@theman I agree with this too. Dad was an awesome dude.

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He-Man was inspiring. Charasmatic. Noble. Heroic. Honest. Fit. Kind. It was all that I aspired to be.

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron

Royal Guard
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@elder He was a great role model for sure. He was always there to help just like I wanted to be.

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This thread is so awseome!

He-man and She-ra were my life as a child in the 80's. The 80's were also when I became a teen. I never stopped looking for the magic that Eternia and Etheria poured into my life. Now all these years later I am in my 50's, my parents and siblings have passed. But I can walk into my toy room and still feel the love we all shared when we watched the shows and played with the toys. Funny how something some toss aside as "just toys" can be so so much more to others. I miss those days..... 😪 

Pop-inamorata and Griff reacted
Soldier of Eternos
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@cringerluvr Your story connected with me but it also broke my heart. I am so sad that you lost your siblings. Were they your age? I have 3 sisters and 1 brother and I can't imagine living my life without them. It must be so hard for you.

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@pop-inamorata They were all older. And it is hard some days. Mostly around holidays when we used to all gather together. I have great friends who I consider Brothers and sisters, But its never the same as when you were young. The 80's were the best!

Soldier of Eternos
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@cringerluvr The 80's was the best. I don't think I would have appreciated my childhood as much if I was growing up today. Everything feels more complicated. My siblings are in their late 40's or early 50's so everyone is pretty close in age. My parents almost had a surprise baby! She would have been a decade younger than us but my mother had a miscarriage. It's nice that you have such good friends. I have some friends but we are not very close. I always dreamed of having that life long best friend but it wasn't in the stars for me.

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@cringerluvr I can partly relate to this. I lost my dad when I was 15 and am at a point in my life where I’ve been alive longer than I had him. I can’t fathom losing my siblings so my heart goes out to you. He bought me everything bc he knew how much I loved motu as a kid and that is always in the back of my mind. Kind of makes me live in the past where my whole family was here and didn’t have a care In the world.

TheDoctor reacted
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@brasco That is so true! Just glad to have those memories so I can drift back to those days from time to time.

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@cringerluvr Magic is the key word.. Because of your shared love your family is not gone. They were not just toys because you put love into them. Each one a memory. Some just toss them aside as "just toys", but that doesn't have to be the case for all. I must admit a bit jealous of the toy room as I have a handful of figures now.

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@pop-inamorata This is why I wanted to start this thread. So people can connect and share their memories..

Soldier of Eternos
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@thedoctor Connecting with others like this comes with many health benefits.

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