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If it's done at Netflix, hopefully someone else picks it up.
Well, like I said, Revolution She-Ra is likely going to be closer to the 1980s version.
1) I heard the showrunners wanted Angela saved, but couldn't work it in due to time constrains. Which, as you mentioned, makes it the perfect plot for...
Yes, but that'll likely be the Revelation universe's version of She-Ra, whom probably has more in common with her 1980s counterpart than her 2018 one....
Glad they're keeping the whole thing with Skeletor's forces being mostly about magic, while the Horde is almost entirely about advanced technology (as...
He will be missed.
Been binge watching a bunch of random anime.
Let me know what you think (once you get a chance to watch it).
I took a look at the summary of the original comic. It does sound interesting.
Let's just be happy there's still hope.
Wonder if he's Hordak?
Maybe they want to see if there's more demand for it?
Reboots / remakes seem to be the flavor of the entertainment industry these days. On the plus side, it got us more MotU related stuff.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time.