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Sounds neat.
Argh. The wait.
@bricrue ain't that the truth.
I feel you. The way I see it, all three shows are necessary to not only bring back the old fans (Revelations / Revolutions), but also introduce these ...
ND Stevenson confirmed it
Some of the press releases describe it as such (as a follow-up). Although, those were pretty early releases. I agree with you on the alternate timel...
You have a point there. I doubt it would happen, but maybe Mattel could lend Dreamworks He-Man so they could add him to their She-Ra series. Then Drea...
Well, the showrunners did admit that they were inspired by anime. They even admit that Adora's She-Ra transformation was based on Sailor Moon's. Th...
Exactly. Especially with Revelations / Revolution set up as a "continuation of the 1980s series" (even though most agree it's more of an AU).
@catra ain't that the truth.
Actually, ND Stevenson confirmed the entire 5-season show took place over 3 years.
@he-dad that answers that. Back to the topic at hand, wonder what sort of characterization they're going to give Hordak? The comics characterized...
He-Man 2021 * Animation: ⭐⭐⭐ * Music & Sound: ⭐⭐ * Story & Writing: ⭐⭐⭐ MOTU:Re 2021 * Animation: ⭐ ⭐⭐ * Music & Sound: ⭐⭐...
@admin you might be onto something there.
@talonfighter no kidding. Most kids seem to be into electronic entertainment these days. Video games, smartphone games and apps, making posts on socia...
Makes sense. Hordak did say he wanted Lyn as "his equal". Making her his chief enforcer (and therefore automatically above his other minions) would be...
@catra No kidding. It also managed to subvert a number of tropes associated with this shows. One thing I really liked is the character development...