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I hope we get the King and Queen one day.
@thedoctor If you are real doctor you can afford it. 😁
I agree. I loved him in Training Day but Denzel can only play Denzel.
I just watched the First Omen on Hulu. It was very good and very scary! 😨
@gatorrob Not bad but the Orions are still my #1.
It will be the first time we can do that!
Great review vid! I am not an anthropology expert either but I can see the ape like appearance you were talking about in the head sculpt. Sometimes I ...
@he-dad I can't see anyone arguing with the New Eternia Snout Spout not being better than the Classics. Mattel knocked that one out of the park. I hop...
In the image above it says the book has a chapter called The Missing She-Ra Pages. Are those the same script pages that were posted already or are the...
I laughed at your #5 AJ. That was unexpected. {laugh}:adam:
I remember this game. This was one of the better fighters to come out during the Mortal Kombat days. The creatures were fun but the dumb cave people i...
Does anyone know if the Scare Glow and Scare Mare glows in the dark? It looks like may but the description doesn't mention it.
I can understand hating changes like Clawful but I don't think that one was Filmation's fault. A lot of the characters in that show were drawn before ...
So this is just for Nintendo Switch? Too bad. That counts me out. I like how you select your character by picking a pop off a shelf. 😂
@jukka Did you talk to one of the writers and found out she wasn't Shadow Weaver? Is she Saryn? Whoever she is she is very good at manipulating Hordak...
@gatorrob Does this count?