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In production for well over a decade, this is the first film from Prime Animations in what is hoped to be a trilogy (and if it takes just as long, some of us will probably be in our 60s before the third comes out)
The premiere date for this is September 6th on Youtube
There will be a blu-ray release which is exclusive to gofundme backers
@zarius The graphics appear dated but I always appreciate creative efforts like this.
A reminder that the full movie will premiere next week on Youtube, Friday September 6th. A Q+A stream will precede itÂ
The movie met with unexpected delays on the week it was due to premiere, and as a result, has been postponed. It is hoped it'll be rescheduled for sometime in October
In the meantime, here is animation progress comparing unrendered to rendered
The movie premiered as part of a live stream, they're working on uploading the film on it's own, but for now, enjoy
Yeah this...hasn't gone over well
@zarius I watched the video. What a mess. I can't believe Optimus was played by a real neo nazi and not the bs people call you just because. An epic disaster.
He's apparently fired the guy now. It took him showing up with a U.S-themed Nazi flag on a livestream to spur him into action though
And he's disabled all comments on the movie.
Carlos is either playing dumb or it is not an act. He has a far-right podcast called "Patriots of the American Republic," and has defended homophobia and racism. The views of Jason are not news to him. They have been friends for years. He shares many of the same views. What he is frustrated about is that he is being criticized for it.
He keeps feeding into the drama with response videos, he says he won't do it again but he's promised that before and the instant there's a pile-on, he's right back on that.
I don't think the film is even that bad, but there definitely is a lot of faults with it. Notably the inappropriate sexism and endless exposition, large ham voice acting, and it being thin on themes and arcing structure.