Liked Forum Posts
RE: Origins General Discussion I think they changed sculptors because those first few figures were off. Mattel needs to make newer versions of He-Man Skeletor and Beast Man. |
In forum Action Figures |
18 hours ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion That bothers me too. I should be able to recreate the Secret of the Sword poster without She-Ra looking like a tween. |
In forum Action Figures |
18 hours ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion @durendal is it really that much? At the 1:12-ish scale that makes all the woman about 5 feet tall and all the men about 6 feet. They probably moved all the people that were good at females to work on... |
In forum Action Figures |
19 hours ago |
RE: Is Power Con now...dead? Val was done. He said he used to make money on ads and now he was losing money and he wasn't up for a labor of love. He told us he was looking for cheaper hosting options and couldn't find anything af... |
In forum General MOTU Discussion |
18 hours ago |
RE: Is Power Con now...dead? Sad to say you probably missed your chance. I heard Val burned his bridge with Mattel and until Mattel wants to bankroll it again I don't think Power-Con is ever coming back. And I don't consider gett... |
In forum General MOTU Discussion |
19 hours ago |
RE: Snow White 2025 Review I rekcon there are several factors to consider. 1) Creative bancruptcy Disney isn't run any more by creatives wanting to tell enchanting stories; projects like Snow White, or any of the other "live ac... |
In forum Just Talk |
1 day ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion Interestingly, the CC She-Ra stands almost the same height as vintage POP She-Ra. So the issue is simply that the men are too tall. But either way the disparity is very annoying. |
In forum Action Figures |
1 day ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion @ornclown that might be a bit of an over exaggeration but you do have a good point. The women of MOTU shouldn't be dainty. They need to meet more, Lucy, Lawless and Gal Gadot and less Scarlett Johanss... |
In forum Action Figures |
1 day ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion I said the exact same thing on another forum when Teela was released... other fans didn't seem to notice. However, there is no doubt that the female CC figures are an almost entirely different scale t... |
In forum Action Figures |
1 day ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion Yup... it really sheds light on the disparity between someone who is passionate about a property and someone who is only in it for the paycheck. |
In forum Action Figures |
1 day ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion The Classics Club Grayskull Filmation Skeletor head looks good. And Mattel made that. Then Super7 rereleased it. My biggest gripe with the Cartoon Collection is that all the females are waaay too li... |
In forum Action Figures |
2 days ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion @durendal fair but Barbossa doesn't use 3D printing, his stuff is injection moded and really high quality. |
In forum Action Figures |
2 days ago |
RE: Masterverse general discussion @durendal I would post it there and tag CM Dom. He does read stuff when he's tagged in it. |
In forum Action Figures |
2 days ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion Yep! There are a couple on eBay right now... Search "Filmation Skeletor head origins" and some will pop up. I've gotten a couple of custom parts for MOTUC, Origins, and Myhtic Legions on eBay, and I... |
In forum Action Figures |
2 days ago |
RE: Origins General Discussion @durendal that's looks like Barbossa's work but he's having problems with his local post office so I'd hold off on ordering from him. |
In forum Action Figures |
3 days ago |
RE: Teela actress Camila Mendes says the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Movie "feels like it's a fresh Superhero Universe"! Good lord, no more cinematic universes! Just make a stand-alone, well-written movie. Also, considering how poorly "superhero" films have done in general over the past few years, that was a poorly chos... |
3 days ago | |
RE: Masterverse general discussion A proper Filmation She-Ra would look amazing in Mastersverse, but they just aren't committed to the nuances of that aesthetic. The one they already released was...not close enough. So now we have two ... |
In forum Action Figures |
3 days ago |
RE: Masterverse general discussion Aye; prime example of the figure being as stunning as the artwork. I'm not really a MV buyer, but she I got simply because she looks hot as the sun 😆 |
In forum Action Figures |
4 days ago |
RE: Masterverse general discussion The thigh cut is an ugly, lazy, useless point of articulation that -more often than not- ruins the sculpt. I detest it. This is also why Masterverse will never reach the heights of Classics... bloated... |
In forum Action Figures |
4 days ago |
RE: Masterverse general discussion What do you mean? I can't think of a single instance in Masterverse when Mattel has revealed a bad portrait that it got BETTER at production. Human portraits are the line's biggest weakness imo. Ther... |
In forum Action Figures |
4 days ago |
RE: Turtles of Grayskull (MOTUTMNT) general discussion @durendal that's about what I paid on ebay when Mer-Man was supposed to be coming out. People thought I was crazy. |
In forum Action Figures |
4 days ago |
RE: Who's you favorite Battle for Eternia figure? Look at it this way, it's the 80s, you're a kid again, and these are the latest figures to hit the pegs. Go nuts over them like we used to. Or try to pretend that these did come out in the 80s and wer... |
In forum Action Figures |
5 days ago |
RE: Is Power Con now...dead? @ornclown he considers himself one bc he’s a giant douche. I’m not just saying that bc of the way he handled shutting down the org either |
In forum General MOTU Discussion |
6 days ago |
RE: Official images & details released for the Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" VULTAK Figure @he-mayon I see gray and pink. Neither the Classics nor the CC fig looks right. |
In forum Action Figures |
1 week ago |
RE: Masterverse general discussion @durendal 2D vs 3D some people are beautiful from all angles but they are the exception. |
In forum Action Figures |
1 week ago |