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Masters of the Universe: Revolution General Discussion *SPOILER WARNING*

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Posted by: @herapop

I have a question though if the three aspects of the sorceress are the snake, falcon and the ram, why did Evil-Lyn turn into a bat sorceress in Revelation? In the comics it was snake, falcon and bat so it made sense.

Didn’t Evil-Lyn say that outfit was all thanks to horny Skeletor and his dark desires and nothing related to the different magics?



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Posted by: @lurker-man

So, they completely canned the prequel comic?

Not the whole series but I guess that one issue bro yea.  At least we know the origin that Hordak put in Skele's head.



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Posted by: @stillyoungatheart

The four towers - I'm afraid that went over my head, I didn't understand the significance. Is it something set up for a potential 3rd series? Something from a comic I haven't read? Thanks.

The old Eternia toy had three towers. The bad tower the good towet and then the central tower that just linked the two. That Eternia toy became heaven in this universe and now the towers are different religions and the central tower still just links them all I think. Does that help?



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Posted by: @biggreencat

@adam_prince-of-eternia This very thing. How folks can't see it after watching these folks for any short amount of time is beyond me. The minute I see the usual 20-25 suspects on YouTube I can quote what will be said without watching them and be 95 percent accurate. My guess is they will all converge on "the Andra thing" for their new rage grift battlecry since the overall show covered a lot, had to condense a lot of stories from the comics, and pay homage to the 80s show, and with 5 episodes did it quite well.

What is "the Andra thing"?



Adam_Prince of Eternia
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Posted by: @biggreencat

@adam_prince-of-eternia This very thing. How folks can't see it after watching these folks for any short amount of time is beyond me. The minute I see the usual 20-25 suspects on YouTube I can quote what will be said without watching them and be 95 percent accurate. My guess is they will all converge on "the Andra thing" for their new rage grift battlecry since the overall show covered a lot, had to condense a lot of stories from the comics, and pay homage to the 80s show, and with 5 episodes did it quite well.

They would have to watch the season until the end of the last episode to learn that Andra is interested in running for elected office, and they are not going to watch it at all. Instead, they are crying, "It is too late for second chances," and "It is already a failure." When they see the tide of opinion is against them, they will change their tune to "They changed the story due to backlash," and "We were right all along." I do not know what is worse, these YouTubers or the people who get their opinions from them.


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Didn't care for revelation but loved revolution 

I found Keldor to be a very likeable character at first but that changed of course. I'm not a huge fan of Adam dissolving the monarchy because it's always been so central to the MOTU story, it'll be weird without it. Andra has always been the Lt from the comics so seeing her as an inventor is weird to me. 

I'm thrilled as heck to finally see the He-Man/Teela kiss, been waiting years but moving in with Teela is moving kind of fast. 😆 

I must say that I really like Teela's post dual transformation outfit, the one with the Central tower tiara, plus I like all the blue, I'd love to see an action figure of it 

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Posted by: @alteredquantum
I followed M.E. because of their extremely interesting videos about the rise and fall of the MOTU universe, the retrospective about Conan the Barbarian, and in general for their open critique to Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars sequel trilogy, that was imho a real disaster. BUT, lately they have shown maybe too much hate towards everything. The are too much prone to bash in advance the new shows. And I'm speaking as a "mildly conservative" and at the same time "mildy progressist" type of person.

Since YouTube rewards engagement rather than Likes, content that is contentious generates the most revenue. It encourages ratings, comments, and shares. One can identify the moment a channel figures this out, because there is a decided shift in their content.

I do not care for Kathleen Kennedy or many of the choices made with regard to Star Wars since it was acquired by Disney, but I do not need 25 videos in a row about how she is the anti-Christ and her days at Lucasfilm are numbered. These same creators praise George Lucas, as if the prequel films are masterpieces, and he did not hand-pick Kathleen Kennedy to be his successor as a condition of the sale of Star Wars to Disney. They are complete hacks.


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Posted by: @caliban
They already made the producers behind Revelation the enemy. They don't have the strength of character to reverse course when those enemies do something right.

That would require admitting that they lied for clicks. Then the monster they created will turn on them, and they cannot have that.


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I have said it before and I will say it again these YouTubers are not to be trusted blindly...


Clownfish TV (She-Ra was cancelled? Nope they got all the 52 episodes that was ordered)

Clownfish TV (said DreamWorks She-ra is a fanfic, false because DreamWorks has more legal right over She-Ra than Mattel if they really wanted to could even claim it is the sequal to 1985 She-Ra if they wanted to... That would been silly but legally speaking!)

Clownfish TV (keeps lying saying the She-Ra characters are "underage" they were 17 in season 1, if 3 years have gone by the time they reach season 3 what age are they then?! 20!!!)

Finally even if Kevin Smith had told them they were right and all was true, you think he still would have his job? Nope he would been fired faster than than you can say "glory be to horde prime". 

Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002

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@darkness Ditto! Revelation lost me more than once but Revolution was a delight, up to and including the character designs

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@galahad33 they went extra long with Teelas hair this time just to be sure lmao

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Posted by: @zarius

@skeledog It was a little more petty than that,  Neon said he caught a glimpse of one scene with Andra and stopped there and then. Yeah, he stopped at the diverse character.

dang that sounds racist


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Posted by: @darkness

I must say that I really like Teela's post dual transformation outfit, the one with the Central tower tiara, plus I like all the blue, I'd love to see an action figure of it 

Lilly Singh Yes GIF by A Little Late With Lilly Singh



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Teela’s final costume reminded me of this character that was created for one of the create-a-character competitions but never entered. The original artist (sorry I don’t know who) then asked Axel Gimenez to do a version for them. The original thread is somewhere on the German language forums of planeteternia (which is currently down due to provider problems)



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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @alteredquantum
I followed M.E. because of their extremely interesting videos about the rise and fall of the MOTU universe, the retrospective about Conan the Barbarian, and in general for their open critique to Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars sequel trilogy, that was imho a real disaster. BUT, lately they have shown maybe too much hate towards everything. The are too much prone to bash in advance the new shows. And I'm speaking as a "mildly conservative" and at the same time "mildy progressist" type of person.

Since YouTube rewards engagement rather than Likes, content that is contentious generates the most revenue. It encourages ratings, comments, and shares. One can identify the moment a channel figures this out, because there is a decided shift in their content.

I do not care for Kathleen Kennedy or many of the choices made with regard to Star Wars since it was acquired by Disney, but I do not need 25 videos in a row about how she is the anti-Christ and her days at Lucasfilm are numbered. These same creators praise George Lucas, as if the prequel films are masterpieces, and he did not hand-pick Kathleen Kennedy to be his successor as a condition of the sale of Star Wars to Disney. They are complete hacks.


I agree on the fact that ME has its flaws, but I'm not going to enter in the SW discussion, since it would be long and unnerving. Everyone has his/her opinion, I respect that.

Returning back to the show, I've not watched it yet, but the overall impressions I've read are positive from both sides of the fans community. That's a fact. But I will trust my and only my impressions and sensantions once I'll have watched the show with my own eyes.


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Posted by: @alteredquantum

Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @alteredquantum
I followed M.E. because of their extremely interesting videos about the rise and fall of the MOTU universe, the retrospective about Conan the Barbarian, and in general for their open critique to Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars sequel trilogy, that was imho a real disaster. BUT, lately they have shown maybe too much hate towards everything. The are too much prone to bash in advance the new shows. And I'm speaking as a "mildly conservative" and at the same time "mildy progressist" type of person.

Since YouTube rewards engagement rather than Likes, content that is contentious generates the most revenue. It encourages ratings, comments, and shares. One can identify the moment a channel figures this out, because there is a decided shift in their content.

I do not care for Kathleen Kennedy or many of the choices made with regard to Star Wars since it was acquired by Disney, but I do not need 25 videos in a row about how she is the anti-Christ and her days at Lucasfilm are numbered. These same creators praise George Lucas, as if the prequel films are masterpieces, and he did not hand-pick Kathleen Kennedy to be his successor as a condition of the sale of Star Wars to Disney. They are complete hacks.


I agree on the fact that ME has its flaws, but I'm not going to enter in the SW discussion, since it would be long and unnerving. Everyone has his/her opinion, I respect that.

Returning back to the show, I've not watched it yet, but the overall impressions I've read are positive from both sides of the fans community. That's a fact. But I will trust my and only my impressions and sensantions once I'll have watched the show with my own eyes.


I just watched the ME video and the host insists Andra and Teela were lesbians in Revelation not as an assumption but as fact. The host is off his rocker.


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Lots of little Easter Eggs in the nursery scene.
perhaps adams whole life is just a trauma dream from that day. Y’know like Labyrinth and Company of Wolves where the objects in their rooms become part of the fantasy. Oooh. I mean I doubt it. I’m sure they just were having fun. 
click on the attachments to see a treasure trove of easily missed objects



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And another for the fever dream

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Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @skeledog

it was pretty good. Me watching Hordak take the adora baby shocked the shit outta me.  if the clownfish complains about this one then we know he's just in it for the clicks.

He and his wife fake outrage for clicks. Their whole channel is trash.



This. Times a billion.


>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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Posted by: @he-dad

Posted by: @durendal

It's times like this that I miss the Org - this topic would have produced 20 pages of discussion by now...

Yea idunno bro because 19 pages of it last time around was how Kevin Smith lied and how woke the show was.

Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon



Thank you!


Good lord I am so sick of the whole 'bait n switch' argument... ugh. It gets tired reading about it every time this show is mentioned.


>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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Posted by: @he-metayer

@he-dad I got the impression he is from another planet too.


Yet, he shows up in Preternia at the end...?


>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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So what revolution figures do you all think we will get that haven't been previously announced? I bet we get:

Tri-Sorceress Teela

Trollan Lyn (or whatever you want to call her)

King Adam/He-Man (form in the final episode)


Green Goddess Teela


Version of Skeletor in the final episode

Despara (though she could be saved for a potential 3rd season)

Revolution versions of Grizzlor, Leech, Mantenna, and Horde Trooper

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A-Mazing show!!

I loved Revelation, and now Revolution does not disappoint!

I really liked Teela's snake transformation... I just wish we got to see more of her power.

(I also LOVE the nod to Crita in Teela's Havoc appearance!)

However, I was a bit underwhelmed by Granamyr... I already knew that they changed his original appearance just from seeing the posters, but it was more upsetting in action. I always felt that 80s Granamyr's design was timeless, so this was hard for me to accept. (But, it by no means is a game-changer.)

A part of me was happy to see Skeletor beat Hordak... especially with how smug Hordak was acting. As a kid, Skeletor was always the most powerful villain!

Gwildor was perfect. I am SO happy that they made Gwildor and Orko such good frenemies!

I also appreciate Duncan's reference to the 1987 movie!!

Such a great show! I wish that is was more than five measly episodes... some of it felt rushed, but the overall story wasn't as complex as the previous series (for better or for worse) so it can get away with it.

Hopefully more episodes get greenlit... so far, Revolution is getting great reviews. In all honesty, the only real negative reviews I've seen only address the sour-grape sentiments from fans who STILL feel like they were "lied to" with Revelation... ugh.

Mattel, this series deserves more episodes!!!

Now... which characters would you all like to see as MV figures in the near future?

-Snake Teela (Green Goddess)
-King (but not really) He-Man

>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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Posted by: @caliban

Posted by: @alteredquantum

Posted by: @adam_prince-of-eternia

Posted by: @alteredquantum
I followed M.E. because of their extremely interesting videos about the rise and fall of the MOTU universe, the retrospective about Conan the Barbarian, and in general for their open critique to Kathleen Kennedy and the Star Wars sequel trilogy, that was imho a real disaster. BUT, lately they have shown maybe too much hate towards everything. The are too much prone to bash in advance the new shows. And I'm speaking as a "mildly conservative" and at the same time "mildy progressist" type of person.

Since YouTube rewards engagement rather than Likes, content that is contentious generates the most revenue. It encourages ratings, comments, and shares. One can identify the moment a channel figures this out, because there is a decided shift in their content.

I do not care for Kathleen Kennedy or many of the choices made with regard to Star Wars since it was acquired by Disney, but I do not need 25 videos in a row about how she is the anti-Christ and her days at Lucasfilm are numbered. These same creators praise George Lucas, as if the prequel films are masterpieces, and he did not hand-pick Kathleen Kennedy to be his successor as a condition of the sale of Star Wars to Disney. They are complete hacks.


I agree on the fact that ME has its flaws, but I'm not going to enter in the SW discussion, since it would be long and unnerving. Everyone has his/her opinion, I respect that.

Returning back to the show, I've not watched it yet, but the overall impressions I've read are positive from both sides of the fans community. That's a fact. But I will trust my and only my impressions and sensantions once I'll have watched the show with my own eyes.


I just watched the ME video and the host insists Andra and Teela were lesbians in Revelation not as an assumption but as fact. The host is off his rocker.



We need to stop mentioning these low-rent, uneducated, snake-oil selling hacks and their entourage of fools... they don't deserve it.


>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<

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There's one thing that makes me think; if they do another season with Adora and everything, how will the writers write Randor and Marlena's reasons for not telling Adam that he has a sister?  I mean, Randor was on his deathbed and still didn't tell him. Hordak stole their daughter, and the Horde attacked Eternia and everything this season, so any parent would be after them to find out what they did to their baby, or at least tell Adam about her. I honestly can't think why they wouldn't except for 2 possibilities.

1: The show takes a page from the original series, where the sorceros cast a spell to make everyone forget about Adora to spare them of her loss. Personally, I never thought highly of that reason, as messing with people's memories is just messed up. In the original series, only the sorceros, Man-At-Arms, Randor and Marlena knew the truth. But maybe in this show, Marlena also doesn't know?  Maybe losing Adora was so traumatic for her, as it would for any parent, that she suffered a breakdown. Randor, feeling he had no choice, went to the sorceros and asked her to make Marlena forget about Adora...etc, and possibly himself. But at some point, the spell starts to break, and Marlena starts to remember Adora. 

2: Maybe they thought Adora was dead, and just didn't tell Adam because it was too painful for them. 

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