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Yeah YouTubers are a mixed bag, they seem to not understand that the story Skeletor told in the comic story was proven false in the was pretty good. Me watching Hordak take the adora baby shocked the shit outta me. if the clownfish complains about this one then we know he's just in it for the clicks.
I watched their review, the husband refused to watch it. His wife Geeky saw the whole thing and does acknowledge that it's better.
The leaked the events of the whole series two days before it launched
They also think She-Ra 2018 was cancelled when 52 episodes was ordered and delivered.
They are also not the only ones that gets lore/info wrong at times, Midnights Edge for example do not seem to understand how Hyperspace lanes in star wars works or that all of Star Wars shows even the CGI ones are lore connected.
I do really enjoy his videos about MOTU from the 80s they are really interesting, my point is do not trust everything these guys says. Also they are not aways wrong either!
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002
it was pretty good. Me watching Hordak take the adora baby shocked the shit outta me. if the clownfish complains about this one then we know he's just in it for the clicks.
I watched their review, the husband refused to watch it. His wife Geeky saw the whole thing and does acknowledge that it's better.
The leaked the events of the whole series two days before it launched
he refused to watch it? what a baby 🤣
It's times like this that I miss the Org - this topic would have produced 20 pages of discussion by now...
It's times like this that I miss the Org - this topic would have produced 20 pages of discussion by now...
Yea idunno bro because 19 pages of it last time around was how Kevin Smith lied and how woke the show was.

No one mentioned how awesome it was to see Rokkon yet? Quick question tho. Was Rokkon from a different planet other than Eternia? It looked that way to me.
Quick question and I don’t if anyone can answer it for definite.
so atm I believe the current situation is that the Revelation/Revolution cartoon universe is now concluded, no new info about a third season has been talked about so that’s that. Atm.
We do know that we are getting a prequel comic mini series for this show.
so in theory could Adora/she-ra appear in the comics but not in future cartoons?
also could the comics reveal Adora to be Despara and the cartoons use masked Despara with no reference to Adora in a kind of if you know you know?
and finally, the first series was meant to be a spiritual follow up to the vintage motu series, can we safely assume that it’s not a true sequel because this series basically erases the Secret of the Sword movie?
@he-dad i've always had a soft spot for rokkan and stone-dar (it's the transformers fangirl in me ! lol)
I can't wait to get a masterverse rokkan, c'mon mattel....make it happen ! 😄
@dan1980 prehaps hun, using adora/she-ra IN PRINT has never been an issue for mattel. she-ra, catra, shadow weaver, the princess rebellion et al have all been prominently featured in the DC comics canon. she-ra has also been popping up in the more recent origins mini-comics. also, if memory serves, tim seeley once said on the for eternia podcast that dark horse are able to use the PoP characters in their MoTU comics.
so like you said, it's quite likely that we will see she-ra in the comic books at least. even if she-ra and PoP can only be alluded to in animation, they can delve deeper into she-ra and PoP in the CANON dark horse comics.
it reminds me of the old 200x comics from MV Creations, those were canon to the cartoon and featured characters that didn't appear in the show - like scare-glow, so scare-glow exsist in the 200x canon even if he didn't appear in the show.
@dan1980 At the end Griffin Newman talks about the plans for She-Ra on this site's podcast.
@he-dad I was stoked to see Stonedar (you can tell them apart because Stonedar has the gray crater-like outer shell whereas Rokkon is smooth and blue/silver), but I was sad to see him go out like that (maybe he's just... drained and will replenish at some point? Like maybe just splash water on him?). Between him and Zodac (FINALLY!!!), I felt incredibly satisfied by this batch of episodes. Fingers crossed we get more down the road (and in less than two years' time!).
This thread is entitled with spoilers, but I have *spoilers* ahead just in case....
I thought the show was awesome. My only complaint was I didn't like the democracy/republic ending as I wanted an eventual King He-Man and Queen Teela monarch. I like that they finally kissed in cartoon form. If you take out the extra post scenes at the end, it had a pretty perfect ending that you really wouldn't need a sequel to. If they do another season, I hope they get married even if not rulers. I don't think I would have changed anything else, though.
That was Cam Clarke as Stonedar correct? I don't think Rokkon was there.No one mentioned how awesome it was to see Rokkon yet? Quick question tho. Was Rokkon from a different planet other than Eternia? It looked that way to me.
@he-dad I was stoked to see Stonedar (you can tell them apart because Stonedar has the gray crater-like outer shell whereas Rokkon is smooth and blue/silver), but I was sad to see him go out like that (maybe he's just... drained and will replenish at some point? Like maybe just splash water on him?). Between him and Zodac (FINALLY!!!), I felt incredibly satisfied by this batch of episodes. Fingers crossed we get more down the road (and in less than two years' time!).
He's definitely dead, he was seen as one of the heroes in Preternia.
Grey DiLisle as the voice of Despara is interesting. She was born in 1973, so if she is playing Adora, she is voicing a lot younger character. Not that she hasn't done that before, but Despara didn't sound young.
I haven't watched the show, but I'm fairly curious about it. Certainly Midnight's Edge is already on the fence of bashing it, but this time I heard that there's much more He-man this time. I hope it wiill be ok!
Hmmm I am still on the fence of this actually being Adora but I hope it is. :3Grey DiLisle as the voice of Despara is interesting. She was born in 1973, so if she is playing Adora, she is voicing a lot younger character. Not that she hasn't done that before, but Despara didn't sound young.
Only thing that makes me think it can be Adora is because Adam dismantled the monarchy so she will not be princess Adora, might be part of the terms for being allowed to use Adora without She-Ra?
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002
I couldn't wait, so I watched all five episodes last night. I really loved it!
I teared up a bit at the end when Granamyr told Evil Lyn that she was good Lyn. Damn. To me, her story arc has been the hit of the three parts.
@firefly It was! I saw the name in the credits and my jaw dropped. This show still managed to pack so many surprises, when it seemed like the trailer and the Keldor figure leak gave the entire thing away.
@he-dad I was stoked to see Stonedar (you can tell them apart because Stonedar has the gray crater-like outer shell whereas Rokkon is smooth and blue/silver), but I was sad to see him go out like that (maybe he's just... drained and will replenish at some point? Like maybe just splash water on him?). Between him and Zodac (FINALLY!!!), I felt incredibly satisfied by this batch of episodes. Fingers crossed we get more down the road (and in less than two years' time!).
He's definitely dead, he was seen as one of the heroes in Preternia.
Oh, that's right! Womp womp. Interesting that he died at the hands of the Horde on another planet (or rather, above it in a space ship) yet still ended up in Preternia.
She's been my favorite thing about the entire series... the fact that she ends up with Zodac amongst the Cosmic Enforcers kind of blew my mind. I want THAT spin-off show next!I couldn't wait, so I watched all five episodes last night. I really loved it!
I teared up a bit at the end when Granamyr told Evil Lyn that she was good Lyn. Damn. To me, her story arc has been the hit of the three parts.
No one mentioned how awesome it was to see Rokkon yet? Quick question tho. Was Rokkon from a different planet other than Eternia? It looked that way to me.
That was Stonedar.
@he-dad I was stoked to see Stonedar (you can tell them apart because Stonedar has the gray crater-like outer shell whereas Rokkon is smooth and blue/silver), but I was sad to see him go out like that (maybe he's just... drained and will replenish at some point?
We saw Stonedar in Pretenia at the end, so he is likely not returning.
I haven't watched the show, but I'm fairly curious about it. Certainly Midnight's Edge is already on the fence of bashing it, but this time I heard that there's much more He-man this time. I hope it wiill be ok!
Midnight's Edge and Mr. H went down the rage-bait rabbithole a long time ago. There is more engagement, and thus more revenue, from being outrage merchants.