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Last seen: Oct 23, 2024
The thing about a lot of versions of Teela is that she tends to have quite the temper, and as a man who is a quarter Brazilian himself (on my mother's...
@smokinya Bingo. This huge wave of live-action remakes hasn't exactly been that great. I'm still examining how Netflix retold basically the same story...
@smitty-81 I think there's a crucial thing about the ending of Dreamworks She-Ra that allows for a very interesting sequel premise that can also REALL...
@lordofdestruction I'm gonna go out on a bit of something here, and I don't mean to say one's opinion on Catra is less than another's, but I will say ...
@thedoctor Ray Harryhausen wouldn't have done MotU 1987 because he decided Clash of the Titans would be his last film. Some people have stated Ray cou...
@sci-fitsunami Nah, MotU and PoP should be what some deem as "woke". Filmation's legacy on both cartoons was given to us by gay artists. Lou Scheimer ...
@durendal Genderfluid. For a general idea of my cosplay "energy", I have an Indiana Jones and a Kyoshi Warrior from Avatar in my basement closet.
Fun fact: If Power-Con happens I plan to do three cosplays for the three seperate days! Rocket Raccon from GotG Vol. 3 on Friday, Dreamworks She-Ra's ...
@skeledog I'd say yes. It's only a matter of time. I talked in one thread about how Mattel CEO's made beyond idiotic business decisions with their to...
Pink Godzilla is my new religion. Godzilla-x-Kong-Why-is-Godzilla-Pink.png
Reboot Seahawk so when Skeletor finally gets around to painting the ship "A nice granite" like he said in Revolution, Seahawk burns it down just thirt...
I really like how it captures more of the mini-comic vibe. IE more overtly Conan adjacent and it's framed more like a wasteland than the idea of spark...
@elder I think I should have calrified on that part about the backlash during the Filmation era. See, a lot of the backlash (in many ways similar to t...
@elder Okay, so I logged backed in after working out, and...this is going to be long and I may delve into some treacherous waters here, BUT, I think i...
Hey look, it's Zoro from One Piece!
In all honesty, I don't know if this might seem a bit odd expected. My She-Ra essay should be going live soon, and in the process of research...
I am genuinely so happy. I am not kidding. Ontop of my gaming PC I have Masterverse She-Ra, Catra, and Revelation He-Man. All I need is Masterverse So...
I was once in a Twitter thread in December where a JPEG I made of why I prefer She-Ra over Harry Potter went viral when Jessie Gender was talking abou...
@admin Just got back from seeing it with another friend today and her response right after it was over was "I wanna go home and see my rabbit right no...