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The Masters of the Universe: Origins “Cartoon Collection” SDCC / Mattel Creations Exclusive TWO BAD figure has surprisingly received some flack by some big named reviewers. So what are they finding wrong with this figure and do their criticisms have any merit? Join AJ as he does a deep dive and finds out! You can watch this video on YouTube by CLICKING HERE or watching the embedded version below:
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There’s nothing wrong with him. He came out great and doesn’t bother me one bit that he didn’t come with any accessories. I think deep down people are just nit picking bc they gave us CC before vintage.
My 2 two bads are gonna be here later today. I think they look great, we already knew we are getting a vintage version as soon as the turtle version showed its ugly head. Mattel isnt gonna waste money on a scuplt to only use once or twice, where have these people been to not understand that? Yeah, the waits sucks, but hes coming.
But i can understand why they are upset about no accessories. If you only collect the cartoon version, he comes with no shield and no item from the show like the other figures of the line. And this probably will be the only release of cartoon version if him. And yeah, 50 bucks for a figure that will be 25 regular ( if like the vintage release), is crazy that no accessories came along. And yeah i know he comes to make 2 figures (which is another whole issue because that is not a filmation thing)
Just received mine, i didnt know it came with a mirror. So it does come with accessories. I love the colors. They look great.
@banthafett A separated Tuvar and Baddrah has never been a thing in any toyline.
Nothing! It is perfect! I got mine today and I couldn't be happier with it. I love the lenticular mirror too.
Two Bad came out great and it's not expensive at all if you think about it. I hope we get Batros soon.
I just hope Mattel make all CC figure's legs interchangeable going forward now that they have the tooling through Two Bad!
Now that I have mine in hand, I think the only thing "wrong" with him is the packaging. It's just a bit excessive and is going to end up in a closet with all the other packaging (and it's overly tall for what's displayed within). I appreciate the TLC Mattel puts into their con excusive packaging each year, but sometimes it feels over the top and I can't help but wonder if the cost of goods would be slightly lower and easier to digest if the packaging wasn't so... elaborate on some of these releases. I do love what they did with the mini-comic, and for a figure that I thought looked rather underwhelming and weirdly proportioned (the heads) due to a lot of youtube reviews, I have to say in person I think this Two Bad looks and feels great. It's just such a fun figure and he doesn't look entirely out of place with the regular Origins line. I ended up hooking him up with some of the weapons from Eternia. Tuvar is using the shoulder mounted laser gun and Baddrah is sporting the gold crossbow. So there's plenty of spare weaponry lying around to arm them each up with. But, again- I'd rather have only spent $40 instead of $50 and would've been plenty happy if he just came on a regular Deluxe card.
I noticed his colors are more vibrant than the usual Cartoon Collection. CC tends to be a bit… Pastell-ish. This set’s colors are more in line with the vibrant, amped-up colors of the regular Origins / Vintage Collection. I honestly like this better!
I agree I would rather have spent less money and gotten less fancy packaging. I don’t really have space to display stuff like this as well.
But I guess Mattel wants / needs to charge higher prices for the exclusives– so at least we get some fancy packaging along with it.