@banthafett which one what? did i miss an announcement? The retro scare glow is the only scare glow mondo is doing that I know of.
the retro is just a jumbo figure. Im talking about the 1/6 line. They have to rerelease a scareglow when they offer his horse. So was just wondering if they rerelease the 1st or 2nd version.
@banthafett which one what? did i miss an announcement? The retro scare glow is the only scare glow mondo is doing that I know of.
the retro is just a jumbo figure. Im talking about the 1/6 line. They have to rerelease a scareglow when they offer his horse. So was just wondering if they rerelease the 1st or 2nd version.
Received my notice from Mondo, along with some others, yesterday that deluxe skeletor is shipped and yep it's coming from China via DHL. I'm out of town for the next two weeks for the holidays so I wouldn't mind if it takes a while to get here lol. I was worried that he would ship when I leave in late December. But if he does come early, I have one of my employees on standby to come by and pick him up to keep him safe until I get back.
@emeraldknightphotos Are you one of those smart tourists who goes to Aruba and takes advantage that no one goes there during Christmas and has the resort to themselves?
@emeraldknightphotos Are you one of those smart tourists who goes to Aruba and takes advantage that no one goes there during Christmas and has the resort to themselves?
look at this. This dude wanted his panthor moc. look how it came. wtf
Got my shipping notification too. Since it’s shipping from , I guess I’ll see it in a month or sometime next year- whenever the beat-to-crap box arrives(or doesn’t). I guess this is their way of not taking responsibility for shipping issues. Lol
@admin I really want him, but I just can't talk myself into dropping $250 for him.
I think it is harder for a lot of fans to justify the expense with this one (at least the fans who are, like me, not rolling in money.) I also remember he was pretty loathed back in the day but look at him now!
@admin I really want him, but I just can't talk myself into dropping $250 for him.
I think it is harder for a lot of fans to justify the expense with this one (at least the fans who are, like me, not rolling in money.) I also remember he was pretty loathed back in the day but look at him now!
Yep, very true lol. He's sold out now anyways, so I ain't gotta fret about it anymore. Moving on...
Disco Skeletor became my first Mondo MOTU purchase since Deluxe He-Man and She-Ra (I can't recall which one of those came out last). I definitely have been pickier with the Mondos due to cost and space restrictions, but this one- at that scale- just screams for a spot on my shelves. Beyond him, I want that 15" vintage-inspired Scareglow vinyl that they showed off at Designer-Con yesterday, Teela, Evil-Lyn, and the GITD horse they showed sketches of back at SDCC (Nite Mare?). Where it's all going to go and how it's all getting paid for is beyond me... so I don't mind if they don't see the light of day until late 2024 or 2025, even. I figure I'll probably unload my first-release Skeletor at some point, possibly Faker as well, to make room and $$$ for the newer releases. They've been knocking the characters out of the park lately. While I don't hate the first few figures, there are some wonky elements to them that I feel like Mondo have improved over time.
@zodac yeah the Teela and Orko they are showing look amazing!! Saw the concept art at power con this year but these definitely have me second guessing being done with mondo after deluxe Skeletor lol
@emeraldknightphotos Teela, shown without a single accessory, looks incredible just as-is. It's the best face sculpt I've ever seen on a Teela figure of any kind.
@emeraldknightphotos Teela, shown without a single accessory, looks incredible just as-is. It's the best face sculpt I've ever seen on a Teela figure of any kind.
@admin says the same thing about the Mondo She-Ra bro. Now you gotta fight!
@emeraldknightphotos Teela, shown without a single accessory, looks incredible just as-is. It's the best face sculpt I've ever seen on a Teela figure of any kind.
@admin says the same thing about the Mondo She-Ra bro. Now you gotta fight!
She-ra is good but I got to give it to my homegirl Teela.
@emeraldknightphotos Teela, shown without a single accessory, looks incredible just as-is. It's the best face sculpt I've ever seen on a Teela figure of any kind.
@admin says the same thing about the Mondo She-Ra bro. Now you gotta fight!