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MONDO announces brand new 6-inch figures starting with HE-MAN from 2002's ''He-Man and the Masters of the Universe'' series!

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More exciting action figure news is coming from San Diego International Comic-Con and this time it's from Mondo! Mondo has just announced a brand new 6 inch, 1:12 scale action figure line and they also just announced a new figure from that line: It's a He-Man from the 2002 popular reboot series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe"! Wow! Check out this concept art Mondo showed today for the 6 inch He-Man, courtesy of awesome friend to For Eternia... John from Emerald Knight Photos on Instagram! So will Mondo be releasing a whole line of "He-Man and the Masters…

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Palace Guard
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I JUST realized the scale…!!! A whole new series… so this is a direct competitor to Masterverse. But more expensive. Is this the long awaited continuation of Classics? I have a lot of questions about this…

abaddon reacted
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This is VERY exciting news! I didn't realize the scale at first, then realized it was 6 inches ... CLASSICS scale!!!!
As someone that was a MOTUC completist, this is fantastic news.

Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.

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Happy for those who like the classic size. Ill pick and chose , depends on price. Ive never been a fan of 200x. If they can stay away from hunchbacks/small waist, and give vintage weapons ( always hated the oversized crap), some might be good.

Durendal reacted
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Wouldn’t these be smaller than Classics?  Classics is about 7 inches. 


Palace Bodyguard
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That buck definitely looks a lot like Classics. I'm confused by this however. Why has Mattel refused to allow Super7 to continue making MOTUC for the last 5 years out of "fear of competition", yet now suddenly allows Mondo to do essentially exactly that? 

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Well this is problematic for me… I grew up watching the 200x series. A big part of why I love the Mondo 1/6 scale line is because many of the designs are heavily inspired by 200x (mostly due to the fact that Emiliano designs many of the concept art for the figures). 

I’m deep on the 1/6 line, pretty much all in on it. If the new line is all 200x and the slides indicate that it will be I’m not sure what I’m going to do. If the prices are reasonable I might need to do both. I have a feeling we’re looking at $120-150 a figure IMO. 

Also @admin here is a link showing the slide before the He-Man 1/12 reveal. It seems to insinuate that the whole line will be 200x only. Go to image 20/28 to see what I’m talking about

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@durendal The difference might be the price… And f these figures go for $120 (about half of what the 1/6 figures go for), they will not compete with Masterverse. Like, I won’t buy them, too much for me.

If Super7 would continue, even for $50, I may buy one or another.

It is a different market.

Also, last commenter mentioned, this could be strictly a 200x line only. Again, somehow that Masterverse is not doing at this point. Would compete even less, due to that.

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Posted by: @smokinya

Also @admin here is a link showing the slide before the He-Man 1/12 reveal. It seems to insinuate that the whole line will be 200x only. Go to image 20/28 to see what I’m talking about

Thanks for this! And I see what you mean. It might be strictly a higher tier 200X line. I'll add this to the article. 🙂


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I think Classics was about 6 inches, and Masterverse is about 7 inches.

Royal Guard
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Classics was 7-inch scale so it would be slightly bigger than the 6,inch figures (like the 5.5-inch vintage MOTU were bigger than the 3.75-inch figures). Masterverse is probably the same, though I've never measured.

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Looking at the picture, while it's 200x, it looks like you can swap parts to make him look more "classic". There's an original Power Sword,and cross chest symbol there.

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WTF is going on with all these different toy companies being allowed to make figures of the same IP at the same time?  This crap was unheard of years ago. Even if the scale is different it was unheard of.

Is Mattel really hurting for money that badly? I also saw on Youtube that Hasbro might be trying to buy Mattel but it's only a rumor so far. 

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Because I’m still curious about this line, I went ahead and measured my Classics Horde Trooper, which is 6.5 inches, and my Masterverse Clamp Champ, which is exactly 7 inches, measuring head to toe while they were lying on my table.

I believe some Classics with fur boots are a bit shorter, around 6 1/3, while I think some Masterverse may be taller than Champ. There are always exceptions like Ram Man etc

Regardless, when they say 6 inch figures, there’s room for interpretation, since He-Man might be taller than Teela. They can say “6 inches would be a normal Eternian, but He-Man is 6.5 inches tall”.

Irregardless, these could work with both Classics *and* Masterverse, but probably a bit better with Classics. But only for collectors with deep pockets I’m sure.

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Posted by: @knightstorm1

Looking at the picture, while it's 200x, it looks like you can swap parts to make him look more "classic". There's an original Power Sword,and cross chest symbol there.

I think it is going to be one of those $100-$150 figures with a lot of swapping options.


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I *might* be interested if it's comparable to MOTUC/Ultimates. $100 for a 6-ish inch figure is too rich for my blood. 

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Posted by: @sci-fitsunami

WTF is going on with all these different toy companies being allowed to make figures of the same IP at the same time?  This crap was unheard of years ago. Even if the scale is different it was unheard of.

Is Mattel really hurting for money that badly? I also saw on Youtube that Hasbro might be trying to buy Mattel but it's only a rumor so far. 

I think ALL the toy companies are hurting for money. Toys R' Us is gone, and kids these days are more interested in cell phones and other electronics than figures. I remember a news report from a few months ago that stated the collector market (i.e. us) are actually posting significant numbers now. They have to make their money somehow!


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@chrisa Yeah it’s true, adult collectors are a big part of the business now.

There was a bit of a boom during the lockdowns, people had nothing else to do. Of course that decreased when people could go out for fun again, spend there money on activities etc

Nevertheless the companies are trying to keep that momentum alive. Everybody saw there’s money to be made. Others are getting in on it. Producing more and more stuff. 50 different Turtles lines. “Let’s see how far we can push it!”

Soldier of Eternos
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Hooboy. I didn't see this coming (ever, really). I think this might mean I'm out of the 1/6 game from here on out... because 6" scale is definitely way more up my alley (and more agreeable with my action figure real estate in my toy room) and if I can get me a 200X Zodak, Tri-Klops, Evil-Lyn, Teela, and maybe even Scareglow (he DID appear in a 200X era Dream Halloween one-off comic!), that's way more satisfying to me than getting the ginormous ones, where I struggle to find room to display them whenever I reset my room. Not that I'm unhappy with the 1/6 scale stuff, but I definitely cherry pick 'em and see myself passing on the newly revealed Buzz-Off and Man-E-Faces... whereas if they were 6" scale I'd be more inclined to get them. I wonder how deep they'll go? And if they'll go beyond 200X at some point? Will we see the likes of Count Marzo? Evilseed? Will they do their own "if they'd appeared in 200X" interpretations of... She-Ra, for example? Can't wait to see where this all goes.

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Super stoked for these! I assume they just got the license for the 200X versions. My personal favorite designs. I'm gonna be all over these.🤘🤘

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Posted by: @zodac

Hooboy. I didn't see this coming (ever, really). I think this might mean I'm out of the 1/6 game from here on out... because 6" scale is definitely way more up my alley (and more agreeable with my action figure real estate in my toy room) and if I can get me a 200X Zodak, Tri-Klops, Evil-Lyn, Teela, and maybe even Scareglow (he DID appear in a 200X era Dream Halloween one-off comic!), that's way more satisfying to me than getting the ginormous ones, where I struggle to find room to display them whenever I reset my room. Not that I'm unhappy with the 1/6 scale stuff, but I definitely cherry pick 'em and see myself passing on the newly revealed Buzz-Off and Man-E-Faces... whereas if they were 6" scale I'd be more inclined to get them. I wonder how deep they'll go? And if they'll go beyond 200X at some point? Will we see the likes of Count Marzo? Evilseed? Will they do their own "if they'd appeared in 200X" interpretations of... She-Ra, for example? Can't wait to see where this all goes.

Also really torn right now. Price is going to be a big factor on whether or not I get in on this line. 200x was "my" MOTU so I feel like I don't have a choice, but to get into it. I'm all in on the 1/6 line right now, so it doesn't feel right to pull the plug on it completely because I have loved every release, but at the same time I do prefer the 6-7 inch scale for action figures. Space is always a concern as well.

Emiliano was a big part of the design of 200x and his influence is felt big-time in the 1/6 line. Its safe to assume they'd likely 200xifie other characters. There were a lot of designs done for characters that never got figures and never made it into the show. At the very least we have a majority of the Heroic and Evil Warriors remade along with the main crew from the Snake Men and The Evil Horde. 

My only worry is that the 1/6 line has a lot more steam behind it right now and the designs there are more universal than the 200x look. I'd hate to see one or both lines fall on their face due to Mondo overextending themselves and double dipping. In terms of how deep they'll go, I think the answer is obvious: If it sells lots of figures and makes Mattel and Mondo money they'll keep on pumping them out. If these guys clock in at $100-$150 range with the mounts and vehicles sitting at $300-$400 there is a very good chance I may offload my 1/6 scale collection or at the very least stop collecting it. At the cheaper price point they'd be able to release more figures per year as well. At the $100-$150 price I could easily and happily buy one figure a month. 

It sucks big time that there's no Power-Con this year. The Mondo panel would give us so much MOTU info about the future of both lines and make it easier to make a decision. Still on the fence as to whether or not I'm going to get the Scare Glow/Scare-Mare bundle or if I'm just going to scoop up the Scare Glow. Hoping that Pixel Dan asks some good questions when he talks to the guys at Mondo, he was saying they have some time set aside to chat at SDCC this weekend. 

On a side note: How are you not pumped about the new Buzz-Off. He looks great and is heavily 200x inspired? I can understand Man-E-Faces because he's a bit more basic, but 1/6 Buzz-Off seems like it'll be a KILLER figure. 


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Posted by: @durendal

That buck definitely looks a lot like Classics. I'm confused by this however. Why has Mattel refused to allow Super7 to continue making MOTUC for the last 5 years out of "fear of competition", yet now suddenly allows Mondo to do essentially exactly that? 


I'd hazard a guess and say they've let Mondo do this line because it focuses on 200X, something Mattel probably doesn't want to touch again. Just a guess though. 

They probably don't wanna give Super7 the license to make Club Grayskull figures because they're making their own animated line. 


Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.

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Well the 2 packs of mondo real ghostbusters are $202. ( and people are pissed thats its 100 bucks for a 6 inch) Who knows what the license cost of the 2 brands are. So for hopefully looking at not more than $100 per figure.


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