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The acclaimed He-Man and She-Ra documentary is coming to Blu-Ray from ETR Media! Yes, "The Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" is getting a physical media upgrade. Originally made available widely to the public on DVD, streaming and then on YouTube, this pre-Netflix era documentary is now coming to Blu-ray and features artists, actors and creators as they dig deep into the unlikely and unparalleled pop culture success that is Masters of the Universe! With a limited edition slip case and expected to ship later this month, "The Power of Grayskull" will…
We have the Power!
Are the special features on your disc the same as this one?
The Kickstarter-exclusive release is a two-disc Blu Ray that includes a director's cut of the documentary with extended scenes and interviews, and the features listed here. I believe the general release includes a single disc with the Netflix cut of the documentary and no additional features.Â
@adam_prince-of-eternia Could this be the directors cut too? It says it has extended interviews and an extended movie segment.
@adam_prince-of-eternia Could this be the directors cut too? It says it has extended interviews and an extended movie segment.
It appears to be, but I have no idea, there are no details.
@asterstar I don't know what they are talking about. I think it's better than The Toys That Made Us doc.
@asterstar YouTubers and bloggers etc. think they are media and important but they are not. Just saying
Edit: Except for you AJ!Â
@brasco Good save dude! 🤣 I don't know him personally but I get the vibe by the way he acts and talks AJ ain't full of himself. I also like the hands off approach on the boards.
Back to the topic The Toys That Made Us is a great documentary but so is The Power Of Grayskull. It covers a lot more of the 87 movie which is right up my alley. There was a third documentary that I heard was kind of lame but I don't remember what it was called or where to watch it.
@asterstar YouTubers and bloggers etc. think they are media and important but they are not. Just saying
Edit: Except for you AJ!Â
Too late AJ is coming in with the BAN HAMMER!!!!!! 🤣

@brasco Good save dude! 🤣 I don't know him personally but I get the vibe by the way he acts and talks AJ ain't full of himself. I also like the hands off approach on the boards.
Back to the topic The Toys That Made Us is a great documentary but so is The Power Of Grayskull. It covers a lot more of the 87 movie which is right up my alley. There was a third documentary that I heard was kind of lame but I don't remember what it was called or where to watch it.
It is called Toy Masters, and it was never released. It was screened once in Chicago, and I attended it with six others. It was terrible, which is probably why it was shelved.
Toy Masters (link should take you to the Spotify list)
I believe it will download from here (the page is in Spanish so hit translate)
@sketchyskeletor What I was talking about was an actual documentary movie not a podcast. I found it on vimeo but you got to pay to watch it.
@sketchyskeletor What I was talking about was an actual documentary movie not a podcast. I found it on vimeo but you got to pay to watch it.
I know, but the last thing I heard was they were having distribution problems. Although that was years ago now.
@sketchyskeletor I broke down and rented it. It was ok. If I ranked all three this one would be last.