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I had most of the vintage figures, but had pretty much moved to Transformers exclusively by 1986. By the late 90s/early 2000s DC Direct became a thing and that got me back into collecting Batman figures with the occasional Superman or other JLA member figure. I loved the MOTU Classics figures and followed their releases, but display space, money, marriage, and a daughter kept me limiting my collection to almost exclusively Batman figures. Then I walked into a Target and saw the 40th Anniversary He-Man Masterverse figure. I made an exception and bought him. Six months later, I'm hip deep into MOTU Origins and have recently taken the plunge into more Masterverse figures. So, how did your MOTU collection start?
Yeah, that 40th Anniversary figure is terrific isn't it!
In regards to Motu,, I've always been a collector in nature, but not a completist. I've got as many Vintage figures as my parents were willing to buy me. Then later it was the getting Filmation home video sets and some animation cels. I hovered around Classics picking and choosing with a strong focus on the Filmation Club Grayskull releases (I still consider completing those!)
But suddenly Revelation comes out and I loved the series so much and something just clicked where it felt like getting these figures extended the joy I felt for the show. The party didn't have to stop, so to speak. So suddenly I became a Masterverse completist. Now when they introduced the New Eternia subline I thought I would resist additional sublines no matter how cool, but that didn't last long. And now I have every Masterverse figure released.
But back to the 40th Anniversary figure, it often starts with just that one special figure to light that match. Look at @EmeraldKnightPhotos . He bought just one Masterverse Tri-Klops and now he's deep into toy photography!
We have the Power!
I could have started when the 200X show launched but I was to young to understand how to order online, I where gonna start again when Netflix She-Ra launched but the prices for those were freaking insane. Now I am collecting Masterverse, I do hope we get the new She-ra ones at some point tough I have not seen the CGI He-man figure anywhere. 🤔
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002
I started collecting as a kid way back in the early 80s. Used to get treated to a Saturday toy from my mum and nan and motu was the go to. Used to get whatever figures were available in the local toyshop. Play sets like grayskull and vehicles were reserved for Christmas and birthday. As a kid I was only really into motu, Star Wars and castle Lego.
I still have all my old vintage toys, complete with armor and weapons. Even came out of the loft for my son to play with when he was 5/6. So well worth keeping for the last 30+ years. Also got all the annuals, books, jigsaws and a few other bits and pieces from my childhood.
I like the shirts and I have a lot of shirts. The pops are fun but the tiny loyal subjects are my fav. 😍
@eternianbunny Motu Loyal Subjects! I was always very tempted to collect some of those. They look great! 🙂
We have the Power!
I had quite a few back in the 80’s, but they were all from second hand stores, so I never had accessories or comics. I only have orko and buz off from my original collection. I have a 1 year old and as we started watching new kid shows with him I realized they all stink!! Lol. So I got the Filmation series on dvd so we could watch shows together. He’s little, but I recorded him the first time he saw the transformation scene and he was glued and hooked! We watched all the episodes. We have gotten “him” the castle and quite a bit of origins so far, hoping to get most of them. He loves them and can grab the right ones when I ask where they are.
@mike It's fun when you can bring your kid into what you love. Usually they stay fans for life and it's something you can share all through life as they grow into adulthood.
I had quite a few back in the 80’s, but they were all from second hand stores, so I never had accessories or comics. I only have orko and buz off from my original collection. I have a 1 year old and as we started watching new kid shows with him I realized they all stink!! Lol. So I got the Filmation series on dvd so we could watch shows together. He’s little, but I recorded him the first time he saw the transformation scene and he was glued and hooked! We watched all the episodes. We have gotten “him” the castle and quite a bit of origins so far, hoping to get most of them. He loves them and can grab the right ones when I ask where they are.
I love this. And the Origins figures and sets allows our kids to play Motu pretty much the same way we did as kids! It's so cool when you think about it! 🙂
We have the Power!
How bout this one... I think I ran accross this website when trying to help build a medallion for a friend who is planning to cosplay Beast-Man at a convention this year. I think it may have been an unboxing video for the character. So after seeing the Beast-Man I decided to just go see if he was still in stores, and he was for like $15 so I picked him up. I've been collecting other figures but everything in the past has been 1:18 scale so MOTU didn't fit in that catagory then. But after opening my Beast-Man up, I loved the figures so much I looked into other figures. My parent gave me my inheritance early and I ended up buying all of the Masterverse Figures as well as a couple of the Classic figures mainly to steal their heads and put on the masterverse ones.
He hates it AJ! We hates it forEVER! (J/K)
Nah... AJ has been great and this site is great! If you guys ever need additional help let me know. I used to run a successful website back in the 90's for the first MMO game "Ultima Online". The site was called the Crossroads of Britania. I put so much work into that site at the time and at that time you actually got paid really well running a website that gained advertisers. Sadly that didn't last long.
@bricrue AJ's evil MOTU magic made you spend your inheritance on Masterverse figures?
Apologize AJ! Apologize! 🤣
@bricrue AJ's evil MOTU magic made you spend your inheritance on Masterverse figures?
Apologize AJ! Apologize! 🤣
Didn't think of it that way... That TRICKSTER! But uh... Yeah I spent around $5000 or more. I'm not rich, and boy did I get a scolding from the wife, but now at least I have someone I can blame it on.
As a child of the 2000's, the MY Productions series on Toonami was my jam! I watched every day after school and role-played as the characters with my brother and 3 sisters (we were ALL huge fans) Our Eternia was our backyard, the palace was our family home and the biggest tree on our property was the Castle Grayskull of my childhood (I never did get the 200x playset, still need to buy it. 😅)
I remember helping my brother make a cardboard power sword so he could be He-Man! ♡
I also played with my brothers collection of figures. I had to convince mom to let me have my own action figures, she thought I wasn't being serious when her daughter was asking her for boys toys. lol My first MOTU figure was 200x Teela but I sadly lost her some time ago. I also got Evil-Lyn because my brother didn't have her, now neither do I. 😭
Fast forward to 2020, I'm quarantining in my apartment and decide to binge 2018's She-Ra, fell in love with EVERYTHING about the show but needed more, so I binged 200x on YT, then the 80's cartoons, then discovered the New Adventures for the first time and watched the whole thing too. This being 2020, it was just as Origins was kicking off and just before Revelations and CG-Man dropped, plus we also had Mega Construx and Eternia Minis. So I did my bit for the economy and bought everything I could afford online! 😂
Three years later, I'm more in love than ever.
Now I'm collecting Masterverse, Mondo and well, just about anything else. Everything from DVD sets to books, tops, comics even Esty goodies! (I napped a gorgeous stuffed Orko and some Catadora Polaroids from there this past month. lol)
@adoralovely your story really made me smile remembering my experiences in the early/mid 80s. Also, I agree that the 200x series was awesome.... I actually didn't watch it until very recently and I'm watching season 2 on YT now. Mattel's channel is dropping season 2 episodes a week apart as we speak.
@griff 🥹 awww well, know that your reply has really made me smile. 😌 One of the many things I love about Masters of the Universe is that it's such a generational thing. We both grew up in different eras, but we can relate to one another through our childhood with He-Man.
Also, it always brings me such joy to know people are experiencing the 200x series. Did you know about the 200x comics from Image/MVC, Griff? They are actaully ALL canon to the show. I made a list of every single issue (in reading order) along with a list of every variant cover of the 200x comics.
EDIT : I tried adding a link to my list so you could see the comics/learn more about them but it didn't work. (I'm sorry 😭) but the list is actually here on the For Eternia forums, it's in a thread under Comics started by user Sshook27. If you head to the Comics section, you'll find it. The thread is called "Image/MV Creations Comics" ♡
@adoralovely no, I didn't know they were canon. I need to jump on that bandwagon. Thanks for the info!
I remember helping my brother make a cardboard power sword so he could be He-Man!
Oh my goodness I did that! Thanks for resurfacing that memory for me!
@he-dad Why you're more than welcome, He-Dad. My pleasure. 💜
Now if only I still had the thing. 😭
I might have to have another go at making one as an adult, I'm sure the sword I would make now would look a hell of a lot better than my childhood swords. lol
We used cereal boxes and gel pens to colour the hilt and covered the "blade" part in aluminium foil. How did you make yours? :3
My daughter would love you Adora. You and her sound so much a like. Only difference is that she didn't have to buy any of the figures as her dad was the big toy man. I went through a bad divorce so I was saying at my moms, which sucked because my sister and all of her kids lived there as well. But we did all have fun moments. I remember the kids all running around trying to complete little adventures I came up with for their toys. Have not done it in a VERY VERY long time. Now my daughters made me a grandpappy so when she drops him off to be watched while she works we sit down and break out the toys.