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@djfor I hope Mr Tumnus doesn't steal him.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Movie Evil Lyn and Orko/ Gwildor dropped into my pile of loot today. Shipping ASAP! 😀
Movie Evil Lyn and Orko/ Gwildor dropped into my pile of loot today. Shipping ASAP! 😀
My Orko and Gwildor have already shipped. Does anyone want my Gwildor? If not he's going to ebay.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
@smitty-81 why don't you like Gwildor?
It's not that I don't like Gwildor it's that I'd rather have an Origins Gwildor in my collection.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Slush head on sale for $9.89 online
All masterverse marked down in store also
@depp76 oh, so close...
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 12/25/2024
Masterverse has been doing great at giving us PoP characters and female figures in general. I really wish Origins would do the same since that's the line I actually collect.
No kidding. I don't understand at all the holdup/hesitance to do POP in Origins.Hmmm...
Masterverse has been doing great at giving us PoP characters and female figures in general. I really wish Origins would do the same since that's the line I actually collect.
POP kinda grinded to a halt after Grizzlor. I'm surprised they are starting it back up again and with so much.
A look at the packaging for the upcoming Masterverse "Masters of the Universe: Revolution" Battle Armor He-man. (Thanks to Raúl)
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