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[Sticky] Masterverse general discussion

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Royal Guard
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So we've had Beast Woman teased twice, Masks of Power Demons teased, Tri-Klops' blue demons teased, Marlena in white astronaut outfit teased and Sorceress in her pink costume all teased on Masterverse boxes. These are the ones I really want. So we'll definitely get Moss Man. 😏 

Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.

Royal Guard
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What's the point again to have yet another NE Beast Man? Honest question, I really don't get it. Sure, it's not exactly the same figure, but with the very long list of characters that Mattel has access to, doing Beast-Man again so soon feels really weird and like a wasted slot tbh...

Durendal reacted
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@lasastard I was surprised with another Beast Man too.  Especially since the NE Beast Man we already have is great imo. Although with both NE Beast Men, teases for Beast Woman, chuck in Revelation Beast Man and you're starting to get a Beast Clan!  

I am thinking maybe Mattel have a plan.

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Posted by: @djfor


I am thinking maybe Mattel have a plan.


I refuse to believe that! 😀


abaddon, Durendal and djfor reacted
Royal Guard
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@lasastard I understand your point, Beast Man is my favorite character (after the one I used as my own avatar, of course!), so I may not be very objective. But one thing is for sure, I would have gone with the Lord Of Powers version as the first release in a heartbeat, and then gone for a real Red Beast creature. Instead, they decided to use their first slot to turn this imposing grizzly into a little nodding primitive crown, some thick fur around the shoulders and "Voilà".

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@abaddon Yeah, I agree about the chopping hand definitely...well, we'll see... I just hope we will get some other figures before they start to do the 2.0 versions

abaddon reacted
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The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Eternia" ROBOTO illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Roy Juarez.)

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The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Eternia" KING RANDOR illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Roy Juarez.) 

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The Complete Set of Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Eternia" BEAST MAN illustrations by artist Simon Eckert 🎨 (and courtesy of Roy Juarez.) 

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Royal Guard
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I'll reiterate my vivid theory regarding the unidentified character running alongside Beast Man, as many elements (beard, crown) are reminiscent of a certain "Lord Choloh" who reigned over the Vine Jungle fifty years before Adam's birth. This character is depicted as abandoning his own throne after Gygor has just defeated his formidable and versatile opponent named Vykron in the arena.

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@onlyoneskeletor I was wondering if it could be Choloh as well, but Axel's design is better.

Royal Guard
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@durendal Haha! Tell me, would you honestly snub this character if it were released as is? Personally, I tend to find this kind of creation irresistibly valid. Smarter versions of well-known characters, in a way. Besides, since it requires more than 90% of the existing tools, added to this brand philosophy so far, the odds seem pretty good. 😉

Royal Guard
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Posted by: @durendal

@mighty-thanos Miro being bald doesn't automatically mean Randor (or Adam) will be. Baldness is passed on through the mother, so if Randor's grandfather on his mother's side (do we even know the name of that character?) wasn't bald, then he won't be.


Could be he shaved his noggin. Maybe he wanted to look more "hard boiled". LOL (eh. Sorry)


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Posted by: @firmpulse

Posted by: @durendal

@mighty-thanos Miro being bald doesn't automatically mean Randor (or Adam) will be. Baldness is passed on through the mother, so if Randor's grandfather on his mother's side (do we even know the name of that character?) wasn't bald, then he won't be.


Could be he shaved his noggin. Maybe he wanted to look more "hard boiled". LOL (eh. Sorry)


The queen likes the feel of stubble. That's my head canon. Wink Sorceress  


Royal Guard
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@mighty-thanos LOL. That's it!

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The Masterverse Masters of the Universe "New Eternia" SKELCON figure is now available for order at fan channel retailers and expected to ship this month! (No affiliation links)


Entertainment Earth:

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Royal Guard
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Would anyone else be interested in a weapons pack? 

abaddon reacted
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@thedoctor absolutely bro

Royal Guard
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Found NE Fisto and Lyn at Walmart yesterday morning. A totally unexpected and welcome find.

Don't know if anyone else has tried it but some of the NE heads work on the Horde Trooper body.

Royal Guard
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@abaddon we all hit a wall and go my gods what have I done and take a break. Alas we get sucked back in generally then have to play catch up. I’m on my no buy phase. I have unopened boxes plus moving.

abaddon reacted
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Posted by: @thedoctor

@abaddon we all hit a wall and go my gods what have I done and take a break. Alas we get sucked back in generally then have to play catch up. I’m on my no buy phase. I have unopened boxes plus moving.


Not picking, but I cannot for the life of me see what comment I made that you're responding to! 😆 I agree with your points, though!

I'm currently in my 'buying way more than I should' phase! 😆 


Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.

Royal Guard
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Posted by: @thedoctor

Would anyone else be interested in a weapons pack? 

Most definitely!

I'd love for some Classics weapons and accessories in different colours to be put in a weapons pack for Masterverse.


Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.

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If you like MASTERVERSE, be sure to check out our "Year in Review" video ON YOUTUBE where we touch upon every Masters of the Universe: Masterverse figure released this year!

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Royal Guard
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Been enjoying Masterverse New Eternia lately, they really hit their stride with the past 2-3 waves. 

I was a little surprised that Fisto was my least favorite figure this year, just because the idea with the full metal arm just doesn't work for me in practice. The articulation is severely hindered and I would have preferred a vintage-style sword instead of the sabre. 

But all in all, minor complaints. 

What also surprises me is that there isn't more information concerning upcoming waves. I think the only two figures I have on the radar still and that have not yet been released (here) are the Skelecon army builder and NE Roboto. I refuse to count the new Beastman, it just seems unnecessary to release yet another NE Beastman....

Makes me wonder what their plans are for 2025. Looking over my collection, there aren't that many "core" characters left that I feel are "must haves". I am getting a bit of a sense that Mattel is switching to a strategy with more lines that go a little less deep to keep product moving. Case in point, "Masterverse Vintage Collection". 

I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

abaddon reacted
Royal Guard
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@lasastard Lately, I'm leaning more and more towards that suspicion as well, fortunately I wasn't as impulsive this time around in slowly replacing my Motuc figures with their Masterverse counterparts. In a way, the moral of the story could be: "Don't put too much hope in the development of this brand as a whole. Which encourages me to gently back away as the excitement wanes year after year. It's already complicated to even expect to get back a few mounts and vintage vehicles via the Origins line and thus only barely cover what Classics could not reach to, but if we add the unlikely of refreshing the B - C characters' category, well, what the point in that?!

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