New Details are revealed regarding She-Ra’s cut role in the 1987 ”Masters of the Universe” Movie

Many fans of the 1987 live-action movie “Masters of the Universe” starring Dolph Lundgren and Frank Langella were disappointed to learn years later that He-man’s twin sister She-Ra was once planned to co-star with He-Man in the film (but was cut from the final script.) Although never ultimately appearing in the classic 1987 film, She-Ra’s […]

The Forging of the Forge! Talking ”Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny” with writer Tim Seeley!

Our Sixteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for titled “The Forging of the Forge” has hit the airwaves! Join us for our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and writer Tim Seeley discuss his new Revelation and Revolution prequel Dark Horse comic series Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny […]

Issue 2 Covers are finally revealed for “Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny” including Tim Seeley’s

The cover artwork for issue 2 of “Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny” is finally here! Normally, as solicitations come out for future comics (so comic book retailers can get their orders in ahead of time), the cover artwork is also revealed. But for some strange reason when it came to the sophomore issue […]

Five Page Preview of Dark Horse Comics ”Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny ” Issue #1 is Released

The first five pages from the premiere issue of the upcoming Dark Horse Comics Masters of the Universe: Revelation Year One prequel series titled “Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny” is now online, courtesy of Written by Tim Seeley and art by Eddie Nunez, while this preview does not spoil the entire issue, […]

Mattel Announces next Large-Scale Crowdfunded Masters of the Universe item will be chosen by YOU!

We have some breaking news! After the success of the massive Masters of the Universe: Origins (and Masterverse compatible) Eternia playset crowdfunding campaign that launched last year, fans have been anticipating (and wondering) what might Mattel’s next larger than life crowdfunded item will be. Well now, according to Mattel, the decision will be up to […]

Skeletor is Not Keldor but a Demon in the Masters of the Universe Revelation and Revolution Continuity?

“Skeletor is a Demon from another Dimension!” “No, Skeletor is Keldor, Prince Adam’s Uncle!” The origin of Skeletor has been the object of many debates ever since the 2002 reboot series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” aired on Cartoon Network and established an alternate origin for the villian, where Skeletor was depicted as […]

Why CAN’T She-Ra appear in the Masters of the Universe Revelation & Revolution & Unnamed Trilogy?

We know Masters of the Universe: Revelation, the Netflix animated series that debuted in 2021, was designed as a trilogy. Hopefully its previous success carries over to its sophomore entry Masters of the Universe: Revolution (coming to Netflix early 2024), enough for Netflix to greenlight its *yet to be titled* third chapter shortly after its […]

UNBOXING & REVIEW Masterverse MOTHERBOARD Masters of the Universe: Revolution SDCC2023 Action Figure

We have a new unboxing video to show you! This time join AJ as he unboxes and reviews the brand new San Diego Comic-Con 2023 / Mattel Creations Exclusive Motherboard figure from the Masterverse “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” action figure line! You can go directly to the video by CLICKING HERE! Or you can […]

Masters of the Universe: Revolution Reveal #3 – This Warship is called… (Spoilers)

After having a wonderful conversation with Masters of the Universe: Revelation‘s Executive Producer Ted Biaselli on the latest episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast (podcast streams can be found HERE), we decided to shine a spotlight on some of the great details he so graciously shared about the upcoming anticipated sequel “Masters of the Universe: Revolution“, in […]

Adding some context to the list of names on the Masterverse Motherboard Packaging

Masters of the Universe fans have been elated that the San Diego Comic-Con “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Motherboard 12 inch Masterverse figure started shipping to consumers this week. Upon recept of the package, many zeroed in on the legal portion of the packaging where they saw an exciting list of new characters, vehicles and […]

Masters of the Universe: Revolution Reveal #1 – Scare Glow is a (Spoilers)

After having a wonderful conversation with Masters of the Universe: Revelation‘s Executive Producer Ted Biaselli on the latest episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast (podcast streams can be found HERE), we decided to shine a spotlight on some of the great details he so graciously shared about the upcoming anticipated sequel “Masters of the […]

QUEST FOR HE-MAN! Talking ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution” and more with Executive Producer Ted Biaselli

Our Fifteenth Episode of the Official Podcast for titled “Quest for He-Man ” has hit the airwaves! Join us in our latest episode of the FOR ETERNIA Official Podcast where AJ and guest Teddy Biaselli discuss Masters of the Universe: Revolution (including Hordak, Gwildor and the San Diego Comi Con 2023 roundtable discussion and […]

PODCAST PREVIEW! Lightning Round Questions for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” Executive Producer Teddy Biaselli!

There is a new For Eternia Official Podcast episode debuting soon, and we have a clip! That’s right! Here is a clip from the next episode of the For Eternia Official Podcast, featuring special guest Ted Biaselli, Executive Producer of “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”! You can CLICK HERE to go directly to the clip […]

More Details revealed about deleted character ILEENA from ”Masters of the Universe: Revelation”

Many fans of the 1983 Filmation series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” were thrilled when the cast list for Netflix and Mattel Television’s new animated series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” was announced, which included the character Ileena. Reportedly to be portrayed by Kevin Smith’s daughter actor Harley Quinn Smith, this character of […]

STILL DEAD? What becomes of Fisto and Clamp Champ in ”Masters of the Universe: Revolution”

SPOILERS AHEAD! (If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, CLICK HERE.) Back in 2021, Fisto and Clamp Champ fans across the world shrieked out in terror when watching their favorite Masters of the Universe heroic warriors die in Part Two of the Netflix Animated Series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation.” And if watching their favorite […]

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