EDITOR NOTE: After reporting on this news, one of our great members in our community Rodolfo Azevedo pointed out that Revelation He-Man actor Glauco Marques was still heard in the Brazil teaser trailer for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”. We are trying to get a second source to confirm the validity of the report by Ovicio.com.br, so until we do please treat this news strictly as a rumor.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Per Adriano da Ilha dos Dinobots on X/Twitter: “But it is worth noting that in Brazil, it is customary for an actor to dub a trailer, but be replaced in the final dubbing.”
Imagine if the iconic voice actor John Irwin (who voiced He-Man in the classic 1983 Filmation cartoon “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”) was announced to return as the voice of Prince Adam plus his alter ego He-Man in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”. The reaction among the fan community would be nothing more than electric!
While John Erwin has unfortunately stayed in retirement, this is exactly what has happened to Masters of the Universe fans in Brazil, now that it has been reported by Ovicio.com.br by that Brazil voice actor Garcia Júnior will return to play He-Man in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”!

Garcia Júnior, who voiced both the 1980’s Filmation rendition of Prince Adam & He-Man as well as the 2000’s Mike Young reboot “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” did not play He-Man in “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” in 2021. (Revelation was actually called “Masters of the Universe: Saving Eternia” in Brazil).

But now Garcia is back to lend his iconic voice chops to the most powerful man in the universe one more time, when “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” comes to Netflix January 25th, 2024!
Brazil Masters of the Universe fans rejoice! We’ll see you next time!
thats pretty damn cool!
NOTE: After reporting on this news, one of our great members in our community Rodolfo Azevedo pointed out that Revelation He-Man actor Glauco Marques was still heard in the Brazil teaser trailer for “Masters of the Universe: Revolution". We are trying to get a second source to confirm the validity of the report by Ovicio.com.br, so until we do please treat this news strictly as a rumor. Thank you!
We shall see.
This is what they must call a developing story
Bacana ! 😍
the brazilian blood in my veins is PUMPING for this ! (even if for the time being, we are yet to know if it’s for certain lol)
like most of us here, i grew up watching my motu cartoons in english but i do speak portugues as my second language and i’m pleased to say that i am familiar with the vocal talents of senhor garcia junior.
he’s quite a prolific talent to the brazilian ears, did you guys know that garcia ALSO voiced donald duck, simba, eric in the little mermaid…..a certain other prince by the name of adam in disney’s beauty and the beast, were he also voiced the beast in same movie and (get this) he also voiced GASTON !
oh….and he also dubs for another little character called james bond too, some people have heard of him (the daniel craig version)
@adoralovely I also heard he dubbed a lot of Arnold Schwarzenegger films too! 🙂
I know how meaningful it would be and how I would feel if this was about John Irwin returning to the role, so I am really hoping that this news report turns out be accurate for our fandom’s awesome Brazilian community.🤞
@admin sim, that’s right aj ! <3 senhor junior is also arnie’s official brazilian va. (something me, the half-brazilian, didn’t even know herself until your reply inspired me to google search, so thank you so much :3 lol) on that note, i really oughta seek out the brazilian dubs for conan the barbarian/conan the destroyer over the holidays (love those movies !)
(edit : google also informs me that he also dubbed captain kirk in star trek : the original series for brazilian television……i’m SHOOK ! )
I love this little collage someone made celebrating his work. 🙂
And you love the Conan films? You are just too awesome… same here! Especially the first film “Conan the Barbarian" which is really the pinnacle of that short-lived sword and sorcery genre. So so good. 🙂
Amazing! 😀
It is! I really hope this proves true!
wait, i just have to share something with y’all ! 😂
motu was a pop culture JUGGERNAUT in 1980’s LatAm, one of brazil’s most beloved pop idols xuxa recorded a song in honor of the series. ♡
here she is preforming her song “she-ra" live on her show “xou da xuxa". the song is entirely in português, but for context, she is telling us how she’s just been invited to attend a princess ball being held at castle brightmoon that evening, where who should also be there but she-ra’s brother he-man.
xuxa has a huge crush on he-man (get in line, girlie 💅🏽) and she’s basically begging she-ra to introduce her to her “cute" brother. xuxa’s hoping for a slow dance with he-man by the end of the evening but at the same time, she’s also nervous about meeting her hero and she doesn’t want to embarrass herself in front of him. have you ever seen this before @admin
@adoralovely That is amazing! I watched the entire video even though I didn’t understand a word of it. 😀 I don’t believe we have an example in the U.S. where He-Man crossed pop culture lines like that. Was He-Man and She-Ra even a bigger phenomenon in Brazil than in the United States? I am starting to think so!