According to the very reliable Hollywood trade publication, Amazon MGM Studios is reportedly in “serious talks” to take over where Nextflix left off and finally make a new Masters of the Universe live-action film…. for the cinemas!

Now this is far from a done deal and currently there are only conversations/negotiations taking place, but if Amazon MGM Studios and Mattel strike a deal, the studio will still need to close new deals with directors the Nee Brothers, actor Kyle Allen as He-Man and more!

Mattel is also reportedly “seeking a significant theatrical release” this time around for this new Masters of the Universe film, something that was not going to happen if Netflix made the movie.
But will this movie actually happen though? We just don’t know. Many times throughout the years Masters of the Universe fans has been presented with this kind of exciting news before, with no new live-action movie to show for it. As always, fans will just have to wait and see.
Special thanks to Joey @joebot in our forums for the ‘heads up’!
We’ll see you next time!
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Well this is encouraging:
So they have been developing a She-Ra series and now possibly picking up MOTU… we could be getting these two characters back in the same cinematic universe and that could be great news. Also it says they would be pushing for a theatrical release which would be wonderful.
@joebot We thanked you in the article Joey!
Fingers crossed but not holding my breath. An Eternian version of the MCU would be 🔥
Guess the success of the Barbie movie helped push it along. Wonder if they’re going to keep the “Adam was raised on Earth by Marleena" aspect?
Mattel never gives up do they
I’ll believe it when I see actual results. It’s one thing to get excited about MOTU, but interest only goes so far before you have to sit down and write the thing, decide on the tone and style etc
@zarius This movie adopting a Game of Thrones tone would suit me well but I suspect a studio would never go there. Instead a popcorn action-comedy.
I’ve been hearing this kind of of stuff for over a decade now, so it’s hard to get too excited!
^ This
I wonder who leaked this now and why.
I do not really have much hope at this point, but plz happen!