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Last seen: Jan 5, 2025
All looking pretty and proper. Love that Plundor gets some attention too! 😍
Anyone picking up the new Thundercats comic book this week?
Thankyou so much! 🤩 I really enjoyed making that and getting to play 'voice director', getting the exact pitch for those two took quite a few takes!...
He-Man looks like he just sniffed a fart on that cover
"Less is more" means a great deal of things in today's streaming climate.
@skeledog It was a little more petty than that, Neon said he caught a glimpse of one scene with Andra and stopped there and then. Yeah, he stopped at...
Having just five episodes to digest makes things easier, knowing Revelation had another five to go plus it's first half ending on a downer note put me...
I watched their review, the husband refused to watch it. His wife Geeky saw the whole thing and does acknowledge that it's better. The leaked th...
He didn't cry, I feel I only got half the KS experience
Who's old enough to remember when they revealed what Inspector Gadget's Doctor Claw looked like with an action figure?
Yes, someone got it right.
Did anyone check out the IGN review? They do reveal who Gates MacFadden is playing (not sure if it's new information at this point), they're a lit...
Ah yes, the magazine where you have to hope and pray the cover star's head doesn't cover the 'f' in the logo too badly...
Lucky guy. I like how you describe Revolution in comparison to Revelation, I prefer my He-Man content to be much 'leaner' in substance so the acti...
Man they're really channelling the casting call for Gargoyles here
Lynn and Orko are a battle couple! ...And RIP Randor, you royal boob.
I'll never not get a kick out of "The Green Godess" because it was the name of a campy fitness expert on UK breakfast television in the 80s 😊
He-Man's got a long way to go before it catches up with the number of characters Trekkies played in Gargoyles rofl