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@bearddadrip I am so sorry for your loss. That is never easy. Celebrate the good the Masters fan he was.. There is something magical about that song t...
@gettinhighlander I'll be in my bunk lol, (Crom if anyone gets that reference I'll be happy).. She is smoking and a great actress. My wife and I were ...
@brasco My mom loved Quantum Leap. Such a great show I watch it occasionally I have the DVD's.
@theman HAHAH true.
Right now I don't want any movies made. Hollywood is far too gone. I have an editor friend out of work due to Hollywood greed. It used to be about mak...
Oh this is a bit trick. 1. Star Trek 2. Doctor Who 3. He-Man It is really hard to narrow down just 3..
This was a great episode. AJ hit it on the head as all have said we can hold the power to let others make us feel bad. I struggle sometimes with my my...
@he-dad Again don't worry about impressing them. You and the wife are the only ones that matter when there are problems minus any kids. Just take it d...
I would love to see this. I didn't get to see it in theater's but got it on VHS right away. I don't know if it would come to Canada.
I have been waiting for the He-Man Powered Up and Tri-Sorceress figures forever. Those two, and the Orko Gwildor two pack, are the figures that are go...
I am really really not sure how to feel about this. I do know that Hasbro took a huge loss and is shifting back to core toys. The Multimedia aspects a...
He-Dad I can tell you for one not all Grandparents would look down on collections. All of mine seemed to have some sort of collection of a kind. Like ...
@pop-inamorata It's funny how I came across the set. I had given up hope on finding the 30th set as it was so expensive. I live in a small town and no...
@asterstar Doctor Who would be the franchise. I tend to carry a sonic with me most places I go.
@ninadust I did see that but I still think there could be some mind manipulation. I do apologize for the length but it had to come out lol.
@asterstar haha if I was a Doctor I’d have backed the episode at the highest level possible. Sadly I am not any my name is in reference to another fra...
@theman My Father-in law just had the same surgery and it helped him a lot. The Doc only wants to replace it if it gets worse. We will monitor it. For...
Not an artist, or anyone that would use AI for art so can only give an outside opinion. So long as it is a tool that helps I am all for shortcuts. It ...
@samuel I hope so, if not I will just have to find a friend here that can show me in person the episode so I am not stealing it. Then I will determine...
@caliban I do know about his work on lower budget movies, but this is Canon we are talking about. Not the best track record or smarts. I do however fe...