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Just recently started collecting this line. I went from just one to now 24 in hand. I have about 10 more on the way. This is one addicting hobby.
@durendal on my 5th rewatch of Picard now. Just got episode 10 to go. Also just finished Batman the animated series.
@brasco thank you. I will try that. Need to make sure I have crazy glue. Better late than never. I don’t plan on buying all at discount. Especially f...
@brasco I plan on getting as many as I can. The collectors shop I found has a bunch I want. Just have to wait till after my bday. Better late than nev...
AJ, thank you for this feature. I had started recently collecting.. It started with one Battle Armour He-Man that I received in the mail after orderin...
@asterstar Same here and it got a bit dusty too.. That movie had so much heart and hit all the right notes.
I loved this movie. It took me back to my childhood. My young cousin would rent or find old Godzilla dubbed bad movies on TV or rent them on VHS. We'd...
I'm just excited she is doing homework. This gives a bit of hope it may actually happen.
I may have to get that Teela and Man-O-War. I have a Battle Armour He-Man in a cart waiting for pay day.
@bearddadrip I am so sorry for your loss. That is never easy. Celebrate the good the Masters fan he was.. There is something magical about that song t...
@gettinhighlander I'll be in my bunk lol, (Crom if anyone gets that reference I'll be happy).. She is smoking and a great actress. My wife and I were ...
@brasco My mom loved Quantum Leap. Such a great show I watch it occasionally I have the DVD's.
@theman HAHAH true.
Right now I don't want any movies made. Hollywood is far too gone. I have an editor friend out of work due to Hollywood greed. It used to be about mak...
Oh this is a bit trick. 1. Star Trek 2. Doctor Who 3. He-Man It is really hard to narrow down just 3..
This was a great episode. AJ hit it on the head as all have said we can hold the power to let others make us feel bad. I struggle sometimes with my my...
@he-dad Again don't worry about impressing them. You and the wife are the only ones that matter when there are problems minus any kids. Just take it d...
I would love to see this. I didn't get to see it in theater's but got it on VHS right away. I don't know if it would come to Canada.
I have been waiting for the He-Man Powered Up and Tri-Sorceress figures forever. Those two, and the Orko Gwildor two pack, are the figures that are go...
I am really really not sure how to feel about this. I do know that Hasbro took a huge loss and is shifting back to core toys. The Multimedia aspects a...