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What was your first video game system?

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Posted by: @alexisskrull

 Though I cannot remember which version, mine was an Atari! I absolutely loved Space Invaders! In fact I still like that game to this day lol.

im not sure I had Space Invaders, I can't remember 


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Intellivision II was our first family system.   It was fun.  It didn't have as many well known games as Atari or even the first Intellivision, but it did have Masters of the Universe, Burger Time, Tron, D&D, and a few others.  I really liked the Utopia game, which was like a basic Sims game.  My first one that was all to my self was the NES.

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Posted by: @theman

Atari, which I got so I could play Pong in 1972.  Trust me, I was the envy of everyone who lived in Chicago's seventy-story tall Lake Point Tower.  😉

I had that. A box with two dials. We played it on a black and white television and I was so dazzled by it. I could play ping pong on my television set? I felt like I was dreaming.


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'Tank' was pretty cool back then, too.  Basic but an awful lot of fun.

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@theman Yes! Another great game. Was there a home version for Tank? I only recall playing the arcade.

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Absolutely.  I had the home version and played it often.  As an aside, General George S. Patton is one of my personal role models and I played Tank with his favorite quote in mind": "L'audace, l'audace, toujour l'audace."  (Frederick the Great.)

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@theman Do you remember the George C Scott film? I loved that movie. 

"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

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You're talking about one of my Top Five Favorite (and watchable) Films.  I literally cannot count how many times I have watched the film.  Imo, Patton was the role Scott was born to play.  I have used more quotes and scenes from that film than any other in my business affairs and in raising my children.  

I particularly love the scene in which he is walking with his aide-de-camp through a battlefield after a battle, tanks twisted, bodies lying everywhere, and he looks up at the rising black smoke and says "I love it.  God help me, I do love it so. I love it more than my life..."  After forty-seven years in the entertainment business and as a writer-producer-director, I know precisely what he meant.

I also like the scene in which he demands General Lucian K. Truscott execute an amphibian landing behind enemy lines with his exhausted troops.  Truscott, who would later himself rise to be a four star general, protested, but Patton insisted.  The maneuver was a success that helped won a major battle,  When General Omar Bradley accused Patton of grandstanding, Patton correctly told him to consider how many soldiers would have died in the battle had Patton not forced Truscott's hand.  Old Blood and Guts, indeed...  😉



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@theman There was a review online where a twenty-something critic was extremely critical of the film. The critic said Patton glorified a man that should be condemned for deplorable behavior like the way he chastized a crying soldier and labeled him a coward. I sit here convinced if it was today's generation fighting that war, we would all be speaking German.

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my first system was the nintendo 3ds ! i got mine in 2012 aged 13, when i guess is both pretty late to get into video games but at the same time, the perfect age to get into video games because by that point, i could pick my own games and my taste was more nuanced and fine lol

i loved animal crossing and professor layton, cozy sim and puzzle games are still my usual go-to. as i got older though, i got more interested in older systems. i bought a ps2 and a gba JUST for the he-man games and i still have my ps2 and gameboy (but not my ds)

i remember picking up the nes and snes mini consoles when they came out and, for a short while, i was pretty into 8 and 16 bit games, mostly rpgs (the old zeldas and final fantasy games, chrono trigger etc) i also got into 90's arcade games around this time too. mainly konami beat 'em ups like the simpsons and ninja turtles.

a while ago, i bought a couple of those old tiger electronic lcd handhelds (the repros that were released like last year, the ones you can still find on amazon) i plan on buying the tiger electronics motu game soon too ! 

i think i would be more of a gamer if there were more he-man and she-ra video games lol

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Also the 2600. But the jr I think. The black & shiny one with the odd joystick (although back then every other stick than this was the odd one of course 😛 ).

This looks familiar:

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Mine was the Atari 2600 also. It came with Combat as previously mentioned. I remember one airplane game where there were three spitfires v a large cumbersome Bomber. The Bomber had no chance so I used to always challenge my Dad to a game and he was always the Bomber .. used to beat him every time! He took it well bless him. 😀 

Asteroids, River Raid, Pole Position, Kung Fu Master, Spider-Man & Decathlon were some of the more memorable games. Remember breaking a few joysticks playing Decathlon. Never got the Masters of the Universe game, after being disappointed after getting the Superman game I assumed it would be similar so didn’t bother.

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I had a ColecoVision. Around 82 or 83 I think. That was my first console. I loved it; the controllers especially were excellent for left handed people (me).

I also had the Atari attachment- you could clunk it in to a port (which always felt like a gamble) and play Atari 2600 cartridges on it.

Fav coleco games were Tutankhamen, Frogger, Cabbage Patch Kids, Smurfs, Zaxxon, Marauder on the 2600. Turbo came with a steering wheel and accelerator peddle. Sadly I never had the He-Man game. I don't think there were a lot of game choices in regional Australia in the 80's. And then the Coleco went out of business. I still have it in a box; one day I hope to have the time to try it out and see if it all still works.

Later on I had an Atari 1040ST computer and the Thundercats game, a scrolling beast of a platformer that I never could beat. I had it running on an emulator a few years back and I still couldn't beat the damn thing. Willing to concede my reaction time is not as good as it was in my youth 🙂 

After many years of non-gaming, these days I have a Nintendo Switch (my husband bought it for me during the pandemic) and I recently finished The Witcher 3. It felt like SUCH an achievement and I still haven't found a game so immersive and enjoyable since. I'd like a new Playstation but I never get enough time to use the Switch, so the investment doesn't really seem fair. Maybe one day!  

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My first video game system was an Atari VCS, as it was knows at the time.  With the woodgrain front and 4 switches in the front.  Later to be knows as the Atari 2600.  I no longer have that console but I do own a 2600 Jr.

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My first system that I played was my dad's Atari 2600. I was born in Oct of 80. I am not sure when he bought if it was before I was born or after. I remember Asteroids was my favourite for it. I played that for hours and hours, developed muscle memory for it. I remember Space Invaders, Kaboom, Combat.

After that for Christmas and I don't know what year it was but my dad bought me a NES. It was the Mario only bundle. I had a lot of other games can't remember them all. Some of them were Mario 1-3, TMNT, Back to the Future, Tiger Heli, Bart vs the Space Mutants, and a handful of other games.

Next for me was the SNES another Christmas this time my mom and stepdad. This came with Super Mario World, and they bought me an additional game. This however was just Super Mario Bros 2, now this was an honest mistake Super in the title parents not being up on things, plus them selling both NES and SNES at the same time. I can't remember all the games I had for the SNES. I do know I had Starfox, TMNT in Time, Mortal Kombat 1-3.

I bought the N64 for myself next with Mario 64 and Wave Race I think came with it or something. I didn't buy as many games for this system. The N64 was quickly eclipsed by the Playstation. Followed by the GameCube, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5. I did also dive into Sega, and Xbox but that was much later in life when I had money to buy the stuff I wanted.

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Atari 2600

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Super NES, with "Super Mario World".

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