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Last seen: Jan 15, 2025
The target listing now says its coming July 21, 2024./p>
I know that movie. Mike and Jay raved about it.
I always thought The Shadow was underrated. It's unique visual style is not as bad as they say and the cast is amazing.
Better do it with the Secret of the Sword than the Christmas Special. I just watched that again recently and it's awful.
There is a lot more story to cover than what they showed in the cartoon. I would appreciate another pre-teen Adam and Cringer story.
@rogerblake That's a missed opportunity right there. They could have done a young prince adam and baby cringer story.
The prices on ebay for Warbird are outrageous. I'm thinking if I ask a Target rep what day she is supposed to be released they can tell me and I'll be...
You people need vision! Sacha has the right height the right body the right bone structure. If he can do a scary voice which I bet he can he will be g...
@gygor Entertainment Earth says these come out this month.
Maybe. I don't know military stuff. Only geeky stuff. 🤓
It's unexplored territory then for the movie writer.
@ninadust Remember this was announced in January? It's only been 4 or 5 months but for some reason it feels like 12.
@miamihe-man She was by far the best part of The Marvels.
Did any of the comics or shows get into Marlena's private life on Earth like what her family was like or the amount of siblings she has?
I hadn't consider Randor was murdered. Good stuff.
@dreamcycle13 I can see it now. Adam gets bullied as a kid in highschool in his senior year and at the end of the adventure comes back as He-Man to ge...
@miamihe-man I can see a noobie be He-Man. Wasn’t Arnold still new to acting when he got Conan?
@durendal The perfect casting passed was there for the taking dammit. Chris Hemsworth could have been a perfect He-Man.