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The follow-up to 2014's short film "Fall of Greyskull" released a concept trailer earlier in the week and are now seeking backers to bring it to life
Here is the Kickstarter link
I watched it yesterday. It's awesome for a fan film but it was a real film we would rip it a new one. I can't see me backing it. Isn't the real film starting this year? The studio is gonna copyright this fan project to oblivion and we'd never see it anyway. It's bad timing.
Too bad it did not worked out. But maybe a blessing in disguise? Copyright Locusts usually do not swarm out at the start of a crowdfund but when it looks like it is going somewhere; especially if it reaches professional levels.
Best case szenario? Official KS failed & some filthy rich fan gives him the money after the fact under the premise to finish it under as much secrecy as possible.
I know, super unlikely but the only scenario I can see it seeing the light of day.

 Seriously no idea. I know hes a MOTU guy and am sure watched a fistful of clips of but no idea of how loaded he is.
... I know though that if I had a few hundred of K of so called f*k y*u money to just sqander its a sure project to finance based on what they already delivered. 😀
There was a guy on 4chan who did the math and said Dan makes $150,000 a year.
I was playing Fisto. Disappointed it didn't make it. Danny does good work.Â
@stprime That is so cool! Can you post a pic of you in costume? We could barely see you in the trailer. Oh and sorry it didn't work out.
Ah that's a bummer, would have been ridiculously fun and some interesting competition for the official live works, especially since we're getting progress on She-Ra for Amazon. I hope the people who worked on this project got noticed at the least and get invited to work on the proper stuff.
Can't they just keep the kickstarter going until the threshold is reached?
Can't they just keep the kickstarter going until the threshold is reached?
With Kickstarter, the goal must be reached by the deadline or the backers are not charged. Other platforms like IndieGoGo have more flexible deadlines, and allow creators to keep whatever funds they raise, even if they do not meet the goal.
YOU LOOK AMAZING! 👊 Too bad we couldn't see you punching stuff in the trailer. I want to see that fist in action.Was Fisto going to be a big part of the movie?Â
I don't know how big the part was going to be. We hadn't gotten that far into it. I was also waiting to see if the Kickstarter went through before I started making the chest armor. However, considering that I already made the fist and head piece I may as go ahead and make it anyway.Â