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That hasn't been my experience with Target. Now Wal-Mart on the other hand... I managed to pre-order Krang and mutated Moss Man but there's no indicat...
I got my New Eternia Mekaneck and he is awesome! This is the best version of the character ever no question. Being able to finally pose him with bends...
Yeah I have problems where it randomly logs me out despite clicking remember me too. Normally it's not a big deal and I can just log back in and stay ...
Splinter-Skull is up for pre-order at Target. Stumbled on to this today when checking if Sla'Ker was available. I missed the pre-order for hi...
Hey, how do you have Casey already? I'm still waiting for my wave 2 pre-orders!
Here's a batch of alter ego bios
The main point of this was to write in an excuse for why the Snake Men weren't causing problems during the time He-Man was away on Primus. Working in ...
So we know for sure there's no plans for future waves? I was hoping we'd see more come SDCC or something. Makes the 2nd Leo seem like a waste then. I ...
sorry for the delay in posting more. These bios together give a breakdown of the Horde's history and power structure: My explanation for why the ...
probably should have dumped the resources spent on that into making more of the figure available instead.
Toyhabits is saying that Splinter and Leatherhead are the deluxes for wave three but with all those accessories are we sure Casey isn't the deluxe? (k...
@banthafett That's encouraging. Really don't want to believe I managed to snag them only to have my order cancelled for stupid reasons. I'll keep chec...
I was able to order Lord Gr'asp and the TOG Krang and Moss Man. In and out no trouble. I'm a little worried about them keeping the full order since ...
I managed to order Snout Spout today with no trouble and I've already received a shipping notice!
So when is Necro-Conda going to be available? i really want that one!
Finally my most wanted Jinx is available for pre-order. I've been eagerly awaiting her, hoping she'll be done right and perfect and everything looks g...
I lost out on Rockon because the site had some stupid glitch and my payment would not finish processing. It just kept reloading the page saying "we co...
Maybe April's look will be She-Ra inspired. I'd prefer April in an Eternian outfit as opposed to a mutated one. Especially if it's the only April we g...
I think the female Preternian hero between Stonedar and Kudak Ungol is Sharella.