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[Sticky] Mondo 1:6 Scale Figure Discussion

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Posted by: @skeledog

Teela is coming

So am I. 


Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025

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Posted by: @he-metayer

@skeledog They had Keldor? I really want him!

they did. I saw screenshots. A few lucky sobs nabbed them. I hope they are going on somebodys shelf and not ebay


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Posted by: @smitty-81

Posted by: @skeledog

Teela is coming

So am I. 


Insulting How Dare You GIF


Smitty.81 and He-Metayer reacted
Royal Guard
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@banthafett that's your opinion. Not a fact. They are basically massive highly articulated fine art sculptures. If you don't think they are worth 500 how much in your opinion should have been their price? If you didn't think they were "worth" 500 bucks why buy them?

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Posted by: @banthafett

The new name for the horse is stupid, Im not getting it anyways because  its a new made up thing.

It doesn't make the new name any less stupid but theold name was already an existing character so they had to change it. 

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Posted by: @skeledog

@smokinya Great post bruh thanks


No problem! The Toy Talks actually give quite a bit of valuable info into the line. Hopefully I'll be able to catch one live and ask some questions of my own! 


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Posted by: @banthafett

If those numbers are true, they are gonna bombard us with po’s. Not a fan of that.

The new name for the horse is stupid, Im not getting it anyways because  its a new made up thing.

Enough with MAA, im so sick of seeing the lame old guy having multiple releases in every line. I hide him in the back of all the lines.

Im all for a new Faker, I have the vintage head on him now, since the first heman sculpt is awful. Give me an orange see through battle armor like Anti HM has.

They've waited so long on flocked panthor, that i dont even care anymore. And other than the size of the cats, they really are not that impressive, with how floppy they both are. So the flocking wouldn’t hold up.

I'll take vintage, filmation, 200x versions of Evil-lyn

I dont understand wanting to redo mer-man, hes awesome. The only turds in the line are the 1st heman and skeletor and faker. (And maa is just a turd in general)And theyve already fixed 2 of those.

All the others you mentioned, TK, MEF, Whip, KK, Clawful are my main wants after Evil lyn.



-Personally, I'm happy that the line is expanding and we're getting releases faster. Since I'm only collecting Mondo and Tweeterhead to feed my MOTU needs the more the merrier. The only thing I'm not happy with is the mounts and vehicle releases. I've only ever really connected with Battle Cat and Panthor. I dont' care so much about the rest. 

-The horses name is... meh? MOTU has never been the best with naming a lot of their characters. My current thought is that I'm not planning on getting the horse either (cost, space, etc.) but once I see the full reveal I may end up changing my mind. I'm 100% not getting Swiftwind. The only thing I care about from PoP is The Evil Horde. I did scoop a She-Ra, but she's still in box in case I decide to trade or get rid of her, same with the Classic Scareglow variant

-Regarding MAA, I think a re-release for him might be warranted. He was in this weird in-between spot like Mer-Man where the line was changing its design direction. If they did decide to redo MAA I might have to scoop him up if he ended up looking better. Oddly enough I'm quite fond of him. 

-Faker is a must. Just hoping they don't make him a Con exclusive like Anti-Eternia He-Man

-I'm really hoping they lean into 200x for Evil-Lyn personally. That's the series I grew up with so I prefer the more modern designs they made. Luckily, a lot of the Mondo figures seem to take after them. I can guarantee a Vintage Evil-Lyn will end up being an exclusive. PowerCon 2025 maybe?  

-I agree the current Mer-Man is awesome. I think if they "Re-did" him it would be cool to maybe add another head or weapon or two and give new collectors another shot at him, but he doesn't need a redesign. Hector has mentioned in multiple Toy Talks and interviews that he's really happy with the Mer-Man they've made and doesn't feel it can be improved upon. I think the odds of him being rereleased are low at this point

-I know that Whiplash and Clawful are the top of Peter's list for new characters in the line. Hector and Florian both seem very found of KK, MEF and King Hssss. I'm hoping they end up being next. The one thing I don't want is a boring Heroic Warrior figure. If the Sorceress figure doesn't heavily take after the 200x designs I'm going to be super bummed. 


We Have The Power Admin
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Posted by: @admin

Damn I just ordered the Mondo Prince Adam and got my Tweeterhead Trap Jaw in the mail today too. I don't know if I'll be pulling the trigger on the Sky Sled. Have to wait for the full reveal. I'm more interested in the characters over the vehicles. 


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@smokinya we all gotta draw the line somewhere bruh. maybe this will be cheaper. It should be cheaper

Soldier of Eternos
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One of those weird "I'm excited to see this come out, but I'm not at all interested in buying it" kind of things. 

Royal Guard
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@zodac Right there with you.

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After seeing the reveal, I think they should've just gone with another figure. We have Scaremare this year as a big ticket item and it would be safe to assume that Swift Wind will be coming next year (I think Scareglows mount was only designed so they get some double parts usage for Swift Wind). I would've rather seen Tri-Klops or Man-E-Faces come out. Honestly, I would've rather seen almost anyone come out instead of the Sky Sled.

It looks great, but $395 is pretty crazy considering its all paint and sculpt work. At $250-$300 it would've been more in-line with what I would've been expecting. Usually the MOTU lines only get vehicle approval if the line is doing really well, so that's probably a good sign for the health of the line. I just hope that poor Sky Sled sales (if they are poor that is) don't have a huge negative effect on the future and length of Mondo's line. It seems like Mattel is happy to let Mondo go full speed ahead. I hope they can keep up the momentum with it. 

Side note: Anyone else find it strange that the Sky Sled is only offering free US shipping? Most of the other releases have been free to Canada and the EU as well. Canadian government loves taxing my MOTU product already, having to pay like $80 for shipping is the cherry on top. I had to pay $120 in duty to get my Tweeterhead Trap Jaw over the border 🙁

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Got an email from Mondo today regarding Orko, not going to post an image of it (too lazy) so I'm going to copy and paste it below instead:

"We wanted to reach out to let you know that orders for Masters of the Universe - Orko 1/6 Scale Figure - Timed Edition will be shipping soon via DHL Express! Please note, that this only applies to orders shipping to the US, Canada, UK, and EU. Orders placed from any other location will ship in July via DHL Global. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."

Doesn't affect most of us I assume, but sucks for those that will be. I'll do a write-up tomorrow after watching the Sky Sled Toy Talk if there's any interesting news that comes out of it like I did for Teela.


EDIT: Okay so I watched the Toy Talk and there wasn't a lot of juicy info that I could garner from it. But I'll post anything relevant below, some of the info will include some light speculation on my behalf (I'll put that in brackets):


- The team is excited to do their first ever vehicle in the MOTU 1/6 scale line. They said that its a testament to the continued popularity of the line and it wouldn't have happened without our support

- Based on a couple of comments Hector and Peter seemed to insinuate that they realize this item is not going to be something that everyone is going to be picking up as opposed to many of the previous releases

- Peter has seen the Deluxe Scareglow and said that we're "Not ready for how cool he is"

- The team has some big reveals planned for Comic Con this year and will be attending a lot more conventions still. Monsterpalooza is next (although its probably safe to assume no reveals for MOTU based on what they were saying)

- It was lightly teased that Beastman will be getting a regular release (when asked Hector gave a bit of a non-answer that acted as an answer. This is great news the possibility of Whiplash, Clawful and Two Bad being added to the line IMO since they require more unique bucks)

- No news yet to share on Flocked Panthor release (full speculation on my part, but it seems like they're either having production issues or hopefully they're reconsidering only making 500 units)

- Mer-man Deluxe was brought up again and once again Hector more or less shut it down and said that he's really happy with the Mer-man that they've already made and don't know what else they could do to spice it up enough for a re-release. 

- They did a poll in the chat talking about what figures everyone wants to see most next, order was: 1. Man-E-Faces 2. Tri-Klops 3. Buzz-Off 4. Other

- When Peter was reiterating the sale dates for the Sky Sled he thanked everyone for supporting the line and also said "Thank you to everyone who has picked one up, there's so many of you who have picked one up already, that blew our minds, to be honest with you". (In my opinion Peter and his facial expressions did seem very genuine when saying this so it seems like the Sky Sled has outperformed what they thought it would do in terms of sales.)

Overall, it was a pretty good Toy Talk. Definitely not as exciting in the information department as the one for Teela, but hopefully we have some more reveals and teases for the future soon. I'm happy to hear that the Sky Sled sales seemed to have outperformed what they initially thought it would do, that's great news for the line. After watching the Toy Talk, I'm definitely more on the fence about whether or not I'm going to pick one up. I was definitely in the "No" camp before, but the debate has been restarted a bit (obviously I shouldn't have watched the video haha).  

Palace Guard
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sky sled must of sold well. I was waiting to hear it didnt and Mondo had to cancel it and refund all the coin 🤣 but i guess it did ok


People are saying Orko is shipping.

We Have The Power Admin
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@admin so pretty! 😍

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Why do people want a deluxe Mer-Man?  Missed out? What more could they do? Still the best release, pretty much perfect.

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@banthafett I don't own one but I always liked the black eyes on the one head. I can see a movie Mer-Man looking that way.

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Posted by: @kraken

@banthafett I don't own one but I always liked the black eyes on the one head. I can see a movie Mer-Man looking that way.

I don't like that one. He looks too much like a fish though I would be ok with the black eyes on the aquaticans.



Kraken reacted
Royal Guard
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Got shipping notice for Orko yesterday. Of course its being shipped straight from China. Im probably one in a handful of people excited about this figure.

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Posted by: @banthafett

Why do people want a deluxe Mer-Man?  Missed out? What more could they do? Still the best release, pretty much perfect.

I think its mostly for people who missed out on the original releases. Personally, I feel like they could do a reissue on the non-exclusive Mer-Man for those who want him. That way they get their figure and we don't need to waste development resources on trying to outdo an old figure that is perfect as is IMO. 

EDIT: I'm excited about receiving Orko too! Not excited to pay the duty on the figure though 🙁 


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Posted by: @banthafett

Got shipping notice for Orko yesterday. Of course its being shipped straight from China. Im probably one in a handful of people excited about this figure.


I don't know if mine is being shipped straight from China though that might explain why the message I got said it would need to be signed for. Never had to sign for any other Mondo figure.


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@lordofdestruction all 3 times mondo has shipped straight from china, the emails said about signatures, and all the times dhl just throws it on porch and leaves.

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Orko came yesterday. He looks great. Filmation versions are nice.


only issues, main Orko stand is wobbly af, and dree had a hole up inside her for the stand stick, but Orko do not, so i had to drill one, because i hate those cheap holders they gave for them.


I really hope they do an exclusive filmation cloth version without the vest.




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