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Gimme my Stonedar and I can finally put this line to rest, unless you change your mind and give us a few more vintage vehicles, Mattel ^^ Reall...
Actually, to expand on that - and I did not do that work myself, but someone on the Youtubes was nice enough to look this up (re original price adjust...
True, and I guess it also makes sense in light of New Eternia being a fan favorite. But I am pretty sure this means that the PoP sub line is effective...
So, what is everyone thinking about the pricing? I am reading a lot of comments on youtube etc that the pricing is too steep. I tend to agree, if I ...
I... I mean, didn't they start a PoP Masterverse line some time ago that's only half finished? I am pretty sure since I have these on my shelf ffs 😛 ...
Pretty much this for me at this point. I think Mattel feels like that's where there profits are. And I reckon this is true to some degree. But there i...
It might get the Hordak, just because... I snoozed on the PoP MV Hordak, so I still need one that isn't the weird one from Revelations/Revolutions. Bu...
Ah, the Fright Zone was revealed, looks to hit the mark for me. I will say that I am not super excited by the monster. I mean, turning the puppet into...
These look absolutely phenomenal!
Thought about it and honestly, I am out. Origins has been such a pain to collect these past 1-2 years - particularily as an international collector wh...
Probably, but it does tell us that they are not re-imagining the line but are planning to stick pretty closely to the original. That's basically what ...
Uh, that looks pretty great, I have to say. Looks like I may need a new display case...
I was wondering when we would hear from this again. So presumably they are finally lifting the courtain next week. Reallly excited, loved the toy line...
Me too. Admittedly, they have gotten fairly far already in NE. But in the end, we'll surely see a couple of gaps, especially towards the "later" relea...
Wave 18 sounds great; wave 17.. ah well. Not interested in TC Skeletor, but I'll take the other two for sure. I wish they would consider re-releasing ...
That would be nice. I will happily admit, I really want a Dragon Walker 😀 I know, you can still get these on Ebay, tho rarely in working condition at...
The plot thickens! I hope we'll get a first look soon. The FZ to me is a nice way to put that collection (Origins) to bed. Not much left on my "must-h...
So, Panthor is going up for preorder in a couple of hours? Who's in? I thought about it long and hard am sadly gonna have to pass. It just looks f'i...
@ornclown I think that would be a terrible idea. From where I am standing as a collector, Origins really fell apart for me due to all the various side...
Odd discussion, considering that Origins ("Vintage") has so far been a celebration of the original line, sticking to updating some of the engineering ...
As long as the creature isn't another rubber sock puppet 😛 But yes, some sort of update would be nice. The original size is close to perfect for me, ...
This makes me really really happy. I was worried Mattel would sunset the line before releasing FZ.... Curious to see if and how they updated the desig...
I have no experience with that particular store, but I would be very sceptical of a store that has no real track record in toys and such to be able to...
Well, he was an actual vintage release, unlike a lot of the stuff Mattel put out in this line over the past years, and I would say he was one of the f...
Same in Germany. Brick and Mortar stores still do carry these, but it's quite unpredictable overall. We do have Smyths here, which took over from Toys...