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Hi y'all,
so apparently The Loyal Subjects have gotten the M.A.S.K. license from Hasbro and are planning to release new toys in 2025. From what I gather these will be very much in the same spirit as the 80s line - same scale, with figures, same box art and so on.
Consider me pumped! I have no experience with TLS, although I hear that their past offerings were a little so-so. Still, finally more M.A.S.K.! Just when MOTU origins seems to be winding down (the vintagte branch, anyway) - so I have a new line to look forward to 😉
Meh. I'm a child of the 80's, but I never really "got" Mask...
Meh. I'm a child of the 80's, but I never really "got" Mask...
Whaaat?! You do understand that you get a car that - at the press of a button!! - transforms into a jet?! 😀
No, I get it - I was never into GI Joe and that was as huge toy line. I think I also just really liked the MASK cartoon back in the day. The toys themselves were a little dodgy, and really prone to breaking. I suppose that's one reason why noone touched this line since then.
Anyway, I hope TLS does right be the fans and releases something that is a kind of "origins" MASK line, with improved stability and engineering while staying true to the designs.
@lasastard to me at the time (1985-ish?), Mask seemed like it was just trying to take elements from both G.I. Joe and Transformers and mash them together, but lacked the cool aspects that made both of those properties so awesome. I had no time for that. Also, the lack of fantastical designs of vehicles seemed really boring.
MASK was just about my all-time favorite from the 80's! Matt Trakker was something of a childhood hero to me. I'll be watching this, though my poor wallet...
I have a fondness for M.A.S.K., definitely. We didn’t have GI Joe in Germany, so MOTU, Transformers, and MASK were my favorites. (Having lived in the US for over 20 years now, I’m still not interested in the Joes).
I’m definitely curious about this relaunch, but I don’t have much space for another line… and it depends on the price!
I’ve been waiting for this forever! This is great news.
Awesome. Love, love, love M.A.S.K.
Hopefully they create imaginative new line phases for it too instead of just reissuing the classics
My sister collects the Loyal Subjects Rainbow Brite dolls, and it has been a nightmare getting them. They miss release dates, and there is no communication. If you are looking forward to collecting M.A.S.K., then prepare to be vigilant.
The YouTube channel Retro Toy Escapades has stated that we will see MASK at Toyfair 2025.
"masked crusaders, working over time! fightin' crime! fightin' crime!"
i enjoy m.a.s.k. although i never collected the vintage toys before (it's not m.a.s.k.'s fault tho, w all the OTHER stuff i've been collected, it just kinda got a lil lost in the shuffle)
i'm certainly interested in these. we need to support stuff like this to show these companies that we WANT to see more retro 80's/90's toylines brought back as we remember and love them best!
it was a smart decision to make them in the tradition of the original kenner toys, instead of "super7" style like TLS already did with TMNT not too long ago.
m.a.s.k. is rather niche, so i'm not sure that larger, more "collector-type" figures would appeal to a lot of people. so the best decision was to make them like rerelases of the 80's toys, much in the spirit of Playmates TMNT retro line or Macfarlene's DC Super Powers. this will appeal most to the already established m.a.s.k. fanbase.
The teases have started:
I'm interested to see how this turns out...
I was wondering when we would hear from this again. So presumably they are finally lifting the courtain next week. Reallly excited, loved the toy line as a kid. I just hope they are not "re-inventing" it for a modern audience 😉 Just stick to the original designs, elimiate obvious weak points and bob's your uncle, people will rip them out of your hand. Hopefully they go with a pre-order model of some sort, I am sick and tired of hunting down toys... just take my money and give me my plastic, missle-launching truck.
Lookin' good, my enthusiasm is increasing!
Lookin' good, my enthusiasm is increasing!
Dude. My interest just went up.
Is there a release date yet? These look amazing
Uh, that looks pretty great, I have to say. Looks like I may need a new display case...
I would like just the helmets in a slightly bigger scale( not huge) for display. They were always my favorite thing from the line, always loved drawing the helmets as a kid.
Lookin' good, my enthusiasm is increasing!
These look like digital renderings.
Lookin' good, my enthusiasm is increasing!
These look like digital renderings.
Probably, but it does tell us that they are not re-imagining the line but are planning to stick pretty closely to the original. That's basically what I was hoping for. I am sure we'll get in-hand previews very soon
A few notes:
-These look almost EXACTLY like the old toys. They even have the buttons in the same places.
-The figures themselves have gotten paint touch-ups and have added articulation at the knees and shoulders at least.
-The vehicles come with blast effects, which are kinda standard now. The old missiles will still launch.
-Rhino is now "MDU" and Switchblade is now "High Tech Helicopter". I guess the old names didn't pass legal.
-Vintage-style packaging (not shown).
- The figures have the short, show-accurate masks instead of the longer ones. However...
-One stock photo shows Bruce Sato with the longer mask with what appears to be an effect part. Will they come with two masks?
-Nothing will cost more than $100.
-Pre-orders from BBTS in July, wide release in September.
This is exactly what I wanted, I am pumped for this line!