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@smitty-81 The only Filmation-created character is Fang Man, and just like Vultak before him, he was already previously done in Classics. While I'm happy to get him, c'mon Mattel - start making characters that actually HAVEN'T been done before.Â
@durendal I get what you're saying but for a lot of fans Classics may as well never have happened. It's also nice to get vintage characters in a vintage form factor.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 I guess so, since it was a lot harder to access by not being offered through retail outlets. And yeah, I get wanting these guys in the vintage scale. I'm all for it, I'm just impatient about getting stuff that hasn't been done yet
@durendal just out of curiosity.Do you have a list of characters that haven't gotten any toys at all?
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
OK I made a list of possible film collection figures. I got 9 waves...
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 It would be a long list. Off the top of my head in the spur of the moment, Filmation created characters that have never gotten a figure yet:
Admiral Scurvy
Slave Master
Red Knight
I'm pretty sure Melaktha and the Twiggets haven't ever had figures either.
- Fright Zone w/ Hurricane Hordak
The plot thickens! I hope we'll get a first look soon. The FZ to me is a nice way to put that collection (Origins) to bed. Not much left on my "must-have" list now. I mean, I would love if they also re-issued the various vehicles; but my guess is that these just don't sell as well.Â
@lasastard aside from figures I'd love to get an Origins Bashasaurus. I have a vintage one but it's only a matter of time before it stops working.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@chrisa I cold see the Twiggets could be accessories for various CC figures.
Or they could come in a "deluxe" set with Loo-kee and Kowl.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@lasastard aside from figures I'd love to get an Origins Bashasaurus. I have a vintage one but it's only a matter of time before it stops working.
That would be nice. I will happily admit, I really want a Dragon Walker 😀 I know, you can still get these on Ebay, tho rarely in working condition at a "reasonable" price. Would be nice to see how they would re-imagine it. But alas...not seeing it. We'll get a few waves of "Cartoon Collection", until characters start becoming so obscure again that only 5 people will buy them and Mattel starts the line over yet again, maybe "New Adventures" or 200x-style or whatever.Â
The screen accurate brown paint that disappeared off the face of the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" Buzz-Off figure in Mattel’s promotional images has thankfully returned in this low resolution look at the figure in-packaging (courtesy of Roy Juarez.)
We have the Power!
Hot news: Retail listings uncovered for Sketchbook Spikor, Sketchbook Sy-Klone, an unnamed Origins playset and an unnamed Origins 3 pack
Hot question: is there an MOTU Origins Stratos figure with grey skin, blue harness and red wings? I only find for sale:
- white-ish skin, blue harness, red wings
 - grey skin, red harness, blue wings.
I was hoping to find a figure extremely faithful to the one of the '80s, that by the way was the first MOTU figure I got as a kid!
Best regards
@alteredquantum The most faithful figure is the original and you can get loose vintage Stratos figures on the real cheap.
@kraken I'm already looking for the original '80s around the internet, and I eventually will buy it in the future, but, since I'm collecting the Origins line too, it would be awesome to manage to get an Origins Stratos as well.
Hot question: is there an MOTU Origins Stratos figure with grey skin, blue harness and red wings? I only find for sale:
- white-ish skin, blue harness, red wings
 - grey skin, red harness, blue wings.
I was hoping to find a figure extremely faithful to the one of the '80s, that by the way was the first MOTU figure I got as a kid!
Best regards
You could get a VC and CC Stratos and swap their jetpacks and wings.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Ok, I suppose that an official Origins one doesn't exist with aforementioned features...
@alteredquantum Mattel did the stupid thing and released both grey Stratos and naked Stratos with the same coloured jetpack and wings. They had one job...
@alteredquantum vintage Stratos came with red wings and a blue jetpack or blue wings and a red jetpack.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025