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Last seen: Mar 23, 2025
This and the Classics can compete for worst ugliest She-Ra. LAME!
Not vintage.
The swords should be green.
Keldor better win. Screw Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. They are chumps. Keldor is a legend.
The girl they got to play Teela isn't a pale skin redhead like the cartoon so that tracks.
Meh. Rather have Liam Neeson.
Tbh he has a good jaw. All the boy needs is a bottle of bleach and he will aok.
No leg or armpit shaving required. Lucky her.
Will it have Keldor?
If a Slime Pit was a choice it would of won.
LAME. Too scrawny for He-Man
LAME! Forget Skeletor. Will there be Keldor?
Damn good art.
God character played by God actor.
Keldor is too good for Walmart
Just think of all the things he could do with that thing.
Emmy nomination incoming.
Don't worry. They will be done by the year 2037.
For that price it better vacuum my floor. Lame.
Shatner deserves an Academy Award.
The sexiest figure in figure history.