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Actor Nicholas Galitzine has been really busy as of late. After filming "Three Bags Full" this past summer with actor Hugh Jackman (where the Wolverine star helped the young actor prepare for his upcoming He-Man role), Nicholas began prepping for "Masters of the Universe" this past October... while also beginning yet another movie called "The One Hundred Nights of Hero". Wow. Actor Nicholas Galitzine Announced after "Masters of the Universe" was announced, we were very surprised that Nicholas Galitzine was squeezing this smaller 'One Hundred Nights' movie role right before the gargantuan big budget MOTU movie began filming. But now…
We have the Power!
Looking good! Nick is going to look perfect as Adam and He-Man with the help of computer muscles of course. This movie is going to make him a household name too. I can’t wait.
If you would have told me that hair would be the dominant topic of MotU news for a stretch I would have never believed it.
Just how in the 80's the studio felt it necessary to alter He-Man's distinctive hairstyle by giving Dolph a "contemporary" mullet, how will they tweak it this time to lamely appease modern audiences? I'm predicting broccoli-head.