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@he-dad OMG I CAN'T UNSEE IT! {shockef}:teela:
Her hair will look even brighter red in the sunlight. 😻
Can't Dreamworks do it for the fans? He-Man and She-Ra are siblings and it makes me sad inside that we may never see brother and sister together again...
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I loved it.
She probably watched Revelation.
I only saw the new one but the old one is on Max too and the reviews are really positive. I think I am going to watch it..
45 years old? 🙀 I don't know that one. The only one I saw came out this year. It's new.
@icarius I want to see that! I just finished Salem's Lot. It's stupid but I liked it!
I hope they make a Queen Marlena. I would buy that.
Yay it's region free! 😻
I agree. It shows Alison is taking initiative which makes me luv her even more! I didn't know until now Evil Lyn could turn into Screech. I guess that...
@ninadust If that is Panthor I think he would remember Randor's smell and never attack him. Like if Skeletor told Panthor to attack Randor, Panthor wo...
Yay more flashbacks at the palace! I can't wait to see what happens!
I understand your heartache but remember if you plan on opening it won't matter.
I am watching From on Prime and it is really creepy and gory. I watch behind my pillow but I love it. It's good. 😸
@adoralovely Me too. I 💗 Barbie but it needed a better kiddie story where it could have led to a sequel. At the end of the movie Barbie isn't even Bar...
OMG I totally love her in Riverdale! 😍 Mattel please have her dye her hair red. It needs to be red.
🙀 OMG PUH-LEEZE DOOOOOOO THIS and make sure it is a really good story! {power}:she-ra4:
It's kind of confusing but thank you for the explanation. 😺
I like how it connects to lines said in the show. I wish it was an episode.
I read it and have a question. The comic says Queen Marlena's baby is Grayskull's heir and Keldor is a heir too. Does that mean King Miro was a blood ...
Atlas on Netflix. It wasn't very good. Jennifer needs to stick to singing. 😸
Do you think when Keldor says it can't be he sees that his brother became King? 🙀