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I think He-Man / She-Ra are really great for young people. Having a three year old actually got me (back) into He-Man. I think it's a great, child-friendly, IP. What I mean by that is that even very young children can watch and enjoy the very tame Filmation cartoons that are, essentially, all on Youtube for free. I think the little moral message at the end makes for a great prompt for parents to discuss and explain things to their kids. Whether it is that what Skeletor did was mean, why Orko's feelings were hurt, or why Cringer was scared, etc.
I bought the book collecting the mini-comics and I often read it to my kids before bed. Now, my oldest, almost four, now has an encyclopedic knowledge of MOTU. His little brother is not far behind.
Attached (hopefully) is a photo of my family on Halloween in 2023. Note the dedication, lol. My wife is wearing a red saddle and I am wearing a black saddle.
If I can figure out how to present more than one photo in a post, I'll post some of our Origins toy line customs. Some of them might look pretty rough though because, with few exceptions, they go straight to my kids.
Best regards,
Hi SirSavage, welcome aboard!
I think He-Man / She-Ra are really great for young people. Having a three year old actually got me (back) into He-Man. I think it's a great, child-friendly, IP. What I mean by that is that even very young children can watch and enjoy the very tame Filmation cartoons that are, essentially, all on Youtube for free. I think the little moral message at the end makes for a great prompt for parents to discuss and explain things to their kids. Whether it is that what Skeletor did was mean, why Orko's feelings were hurt, or why Cringer was scared, etc.
I bought the book collecting the mini-comics and I often read it to my kids before bed. Now, my oldest, almost four, now has an encyclopedic knowledge of MOTU. His little brother is not far behind.
Attached (hopefully) is a photo of my family on Halloween in 2023. Note the dedication, lol. My wife is wearing a red saddle and I am wearing a black saddle.
If I can figure out how to present more than one photo in a post, I'll post some of our Origins toy line customs. Some of them might look pretty rough though because, with few exceptions, they go straight to my kids.
Best regards,
Love it! Welcome bro!
@he-dad Thanks a lot! Great handle. Wish I'd thought of it, lol.
I can see through that disguise lol. JK, welcome
@brasco Lol. You're not wrong. I'm a massive fan! Thank you.