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Today, She-Ra: Princess of Power, turns 40. With Mattel’s "Princess of Power" figure line arriving in toy stores (and in children's hearts) back in the Summer of 1985... ...the Filmation company was the first to introduce He-Man's twin sister to the masses several months earlier on March 22nd, 1985. That is when the theatrical film “He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword“ debuted in cinemas. Promotional Poster for “The Secret of the Sword” (1985) Filmation bringing the "most powerful woman in the universe" to the world before Mattel was very apropos, considering the creatives at the legendary animation company…
We have the Power!
Adam and Eve instead of Adam and Adora? That would have been interesting. Happy Birthday She-Ra!
I am so happy I found this site. So much information I didn't know and the words at the end are so inspiring. She-Ra was the woman I aspired to be and 40 years later I still look up to her. Thank you for everything She-Ra. You will always have my heart