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I second this. I'm currently in a 3D art and animation course, but I still got about 3 - 6 months before I graduate. Then I gotta hunt for a new job (...
Fair enough. Still, might be worth tossing the idea around a few of the message boards, and see who's interested.
The Earth Origin idea has never really been used for any version of He-Man or She-Ra, so I'm interested to see how it could work.
Or they appear, but reimagined as modern day kids 😱. Is it just me, or does this specific version of Skeletor strike you as the type of guy who'd be...
@wundar you really gave this some series thought. Have you considered running the idea past Mattel?
That actually makes sense.
If it helps, I loath "The New Adventures of He-Man".
Ain't that the truth. I'll still give it a watch (just in case).
Always happens when I leave. I'd be fine with them either married or confirmed in a relationship.
I'd love for it to be during a classic training montage.
It's true. The only real thing that is still being sold today are Nintendo's Amiibos (I collect them).
@wundar not a bad idea, so long as the game can be played offline. People are still upset about the Disney Infinity servers going down. After seeing...
At least it isn't outright cancelled.
This is how I see it sort of going: Part 1) Revelation Part 2) Revolution (Fighting the Horde / Hordak. Maybe introducing She-Ra if they can negot...
@catra that's it, except one little thing: Mattel Television, the producers of Revelation, does not have rights to the 2002 adaption of He-Man so an...
@bricrue exactly. There's nothing wrong with liking some stuff and not other stuff. I'm just the kind of person that likes a wide variety of stuff.
@admin at least they were explicit about "asking for parents' permission".
I actually kind of like that better than his actual design.