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Costume N00b
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Joined: Feb 16, 2023
Last seen: Mar 6, 2025
Topics: 33 / Replies: 328
RE: Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

I second this. I'm currently in a 3D art and animation course, but I still got about 3 - 6 months before I graduate. Then I gotta hunt for a new job (...

2 years ago
RE: Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

Fair enough. Still, might be worth tossing the idea around a few of the message boards, and see who's interested.

2 years ago
RE: The Horde entering revolutions

The Earth Origin idea has never really been used for any version of He-Man or She-Ra, so I'm interested to see how it could work.

2 years ago
RE: Taking a full spoiler look at what a Season 4 of ''He-Man and the Masters of the Universe'' would look like

Or they appear, but reimagined as modern day kids 😱. Is it just me, or does this specific version of Skeletor strike you as the type of guy who'd be...

2 years ago
RE: Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

@wundar you really gave this some series thought. Have you considered running the idea past Mattel?

2 years ago
RE: Karen Fukuhara wants a She-Ra / Kipo crossover

If it helps, I loath "The New Adventures of He-Man".

2 years ago
RE: The Horde entering revolutions

Ain't that the truth. I'll still give it a watch (just in case).

2 years ago
RE: Melissa Benoist replaces Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela in ''Masters of the Universe: Revolution''

Always happens when I leave. I'd be fine with them either married or confirmed in a relationship.

2 years ago
RE: Which characters do you think will be in / want see in live-action?

I'd love for it to be during a classic training montage.

2 years ago
RE: Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

It's true. The only real thing that is still being sold today are Nintendo's Amiibos (I collect them).

2 years ago
RE: Your ideal MotU / He-Man / She-Ra video game?

@wundar not a bad idea, so long as the game can be played offline. People are still upset about the Disney Infinity servers going down. After seeing...

2 years ago
RE: ''Masters of the Universe: Revolution'' won't debut until 2024 per Mattel C.E.O.

This is how I see it sort of going: Part 1) Revelation Part 2) Revolution (Fighting the Horde / Hordak. Maybe introducing She-Ra if they can negot...

2 years ago
RE: The Horde entering revolutions

@catra that's it, except one little thing: Mattel Television, the producers of Revelation, does not have rights to the 2002 adaption of He-Man so an...

2 years ago
RE: Karen Fukuhara wants a She-Ra / Kipo crossover

@bricrue exactly. There's nothing wrong with liking some stuff and not other stuff. I'm just the kind of person that likes a wide variety of stuff.

2 years ago
RE: Remember when He-Man and She-Ra had a 1-900 number?

@admin at least they were explicit about "asking for parents' permission".

2 years ago
RE: Neat prototype designs you like?

I actually kind of like that better than his actual design.

2 years ago
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