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The Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" Vultak action figure will finally be available to order this month! First shown off at San Diego Comic-Con last Summer, the "Evil Flying Zookeeper" has been highly anticipated by "She-Ra: Princess of Power" fans, waiting for an official release date. Well wait no more! Today, Club Grayskull members were the first to receive the notification that Vultak was "lurking in the shadows". And if they investigated further, members learned that Vultak will finally go on sale this month! Here are all the official details, including when Vultak will be available to Club…
We have the Power!
I'm pretty stoked for this one! Waiting on Batros! I see Vultak and immediately think of
"I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee.." 🤣
In a way, I would say I like the way things are going, if people still have a substantial chance of getting their figure without necessarily subscribing. If anything, it is mainly a matter of patience.
Fuck Mattel. Only one can be purchased by members. Since this is a she ra figure , i will need 3 of them. Now have to pay extra shipping, and hope there’s even a chance to order the other two.
No one can deny that this is a money grab now.