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Will the both Origins Stranger Things two-packs be available at Target tomorrow, or just the one pictured here?
NBCUniversal holds the entertainment rights to MotU and PoP. It would actually be smarter to get MotU and PoP attractions in Universal Studios theme p...
I watched the live event, and I did not see this. The stream did go down for some people for a few minutes. This must have been shown during that.
It came back for me. Masters of the Universe must have a lot more viewers than the others.
The stream disappeared for me right after they finished the MotU Magic 8-Ball, and I cannot get it to return. 😩
I forgot it was in PST.
So what happened with this? I could not find a stream or a video on the site, and all of the items are listed as "coming soon."
I do not see these being very successful. I do not think the appeal of Mattel properties is strong enough to entice people to travel to places like Ar...
That is what I am hearing.
Cartoon Evil-Lyn should have a cape.
I missed the fine print: "New items featured in each segment will be available at at the start of the segment."
Are items going on sale then? I thought it was just a reveal presentation.
He is a public figure insofar as he is widely-known by fans of Western '80s animation in general, and Filmation productions in particular. But he is a...
And I know James personally, which is how I know your assessment is completely wrong.
That sounds like a projection based on your personal insecurities to me. Anyone who has actually met him would disagree with you.
If Dan Larson co-founded the first and most comprehensive animated series review site, met all of the creators at FILMation, co-wrote the Mike Young P...
The issue is that it is an unauthorized derivative—all fan works are. And all fan works with few exceptions are technically infringement. It is just a...
In one breath, you state he is using Masters of the Universe as vehicle for self-promotion; and in the next, complain that he is not a member of any o...
His 40th anniversay video in which half the runtime is dedicated to video submissions from members of the international He-Man fan community? 🙄
No, it is about the rise and fall of FILMation, and the attempt by Eatock and Mitrović to release a fan film despite legal threats from NBCUniversal. ...