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Revelation was the #1 Kids Show in the United States and Top 5 Overall Series in 20 Countries. If anyone says it did not perform well, you can immedia...
That would require admitting that they lied for clicks. Then the monster they created will turn on them, and they cannot have that.
Since YouTube rewards engagement rather than Likes, content that is contentious generates the most revenue. It encourages ratings, comments, and share...
They would have to watch the season until the end of the last episode to learn that Andra is interested in running for elected office, and they are no...
Because there is a fourth. Teela even mentions it at Darksmoke.
This is not quite right, but it is close. Ultimately, NBCUniversal holds the entertainment rights to both Masters of the Universe and Princess of Powe...
This is perplexing to me, because it is effectively not judging the series on its own merits, and allowing the opinions of others to influence your pe...
Midnight's Edge and Mr. H went down the rage-bait rabbithole a long time ago. There is more engagement, and thus more revenue, from being outrage merc...
We saw Stonedar in Pretenia at the end, so he is likely not returning.
That was Stonedar.
He and his wife fake outrage for clicks. Their whole channel is trash.
Demo-Man was not an early Skeletor concept.
The writing was not as tight as Revelation, but it was really good.
It is Ted Biaselli.
The birthday of Adam and Adora is December 24th.
I suspect that Despara will not play a role in the season, but will appear at the end as a stinger, possibly with an Adora face reveal. They have been...
I liked the RetroBlasting channel when its content focused on presenting factual information, like the presentations prepared for Dragon Con, and not ...
Perhaps the monster is Monstroid?
I am pretty sure William Shatner is voicing Gwildor.