He-Man and She-Ra Fans United
In forum Action Figures
It got a bad review
In forum General MOTU Discussion
I am not taking sides but it is kind of what you said. To me I am fine with fans feeling negative and expressing it. As long as it is not over a...
In forum Series & Movies - New (2004 - Present)
This is what the Leader is going to look like.
In forum Non-Motu Series & Movies
Maybe he will be the new Kool-aid guy
Am I the only guy getting a Hook movie feeling where Robin Williams doesn't know in the beginning that he's Peter Pan?
@smitty-81 I am not taking sides but I am not seeing that stuff you see in his comment. Maybe you read it wrong.
@adoralovely I am very excited! Once I saw Krypto it had me.
In forum Just Talk
@lurker-man He was also in Masters of the Universe revelation.
@zarius I watched the video. What a mess. I can't believe Optimus was played by a real neo nazi and not the bs people call you just because. An epic disaster.
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I can't say no to lovely Jessica Biel.
Sort of. The battle armor part is a lenticular sticker that shows damage depending on the angle you look at it.