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I'd have to go with Crita for the cartoon. For the toyline, it is pretty close between Optikk and Slush-Head.
Does it have to be a character invented for NA? If not, then I'm going for Skeletor: I loved his completely deranged interpretation in NA. Plus I never had a problem with him having eyeballs!
If it's an NA-specific character, then I reckon it's Critta. Her scheming characterisation put her head and shoulders above most of the Mutants, and she was consistently fun to watch.
Put me also down for Critta. Plus it's a classics figure people can still actually afford. 😂
Boy... this is tough!
Buuuuut, I think I'm gonna have to go with Owen on this one. The New Adventures version of Skeletor is an awesome amalgamation of Jack Nicholson, Christopher Walken, and Filmation Skeletor.
A lot of people hate the "eyeballs..." but I think it really adds to his personality.
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<
I will pick the lovable Slush-Head
Crita. No contest. Sigh... 🙂
Hoove! Annoyed he never showed up in Classics too. Fingers crossed he'll end up in Masterverse.
Masks of Power Demons, Prince Dakon, Kobolds, Demons (The Terror of Tri-Klops!), Lodar, New Eternia Ninjor, New Eternia Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Lizorr, Hoove, '87 Movie Man-At-Arms, '87 Movie Skeletor Trooper.
Drissi is my favorite hero from the show. I guess I liked the females the most out of the new characters. I almost helped get the voice actress for her to appear at Power-Con 2019. I found contact info for her and got it to Danielle (Penny), but she ended up having a scheduling conflict. She does not have many credits to her name, so I'm guessing it might have been her first con of any sort had she gone.
It's a choice between Tuskador, Hydron, Flipshot and Sagitar. 😀
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
I based Drissi on my former wife, who was a fashion model. To quote Bram Stoker's Dracula, "That relationship was not entirely successful..." 😉
I sent pics of her to the animators and they did a good job.
Crita for the show and Hoove for the toy line.
For the Guardians/Protectors: Flipshot and Vizar
For the Mutants: Optikk and Slush-Head
It is too bad Drissi didn't get a Classics figure like Crita and Mara, but I've seen some cool customs out there. The Slush Head and He-Man two pack are the only figures I owned from the original line.
I'd probably go with Dreadator, because if there's one character that deserves his own name, it's him. The gaze, the tone of his voice, brrr...!
A Drissi and Caz 2-pack would have been awesome.
I was really hoping for the New Adventures characters to go deep in the Classics line... alas, we didn't even get to ten of the vintage toy characters before the line folded... 🙁
>>>The Power of the Good and the Way of the Magic!<<<