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Last seen: Jan 31, 2025
Thank you for acknowledging Melendy's beautiful goodbye to John. You can tell how she wrote about him how much she loved him.
These are adorable!
She-Ra comes with Kowl! I love that!
@admin I love her face. It's perfect.
The colors pop on my phone. His art is so pretty.
Amazon is writing She-Ra a new show./p>
@durendal I think your feelings come from a good place but I don't think I would be happy with that. She-Ra is an icon. You can't replace an icon with...
This was a wonderful review unlike the review I watched by that youtube pervert. I pray Melendy Britt never watches that video. This review was wonder...
@smitty-81 I am beyond excited to get my She-Ra figure. It is my first time purchasing a toy like this as an adult and it couldn't be a better represe...
There are no story details not even a synopsis? I wonder what this is going to be like.
Thank goodness. My first toy purchase as an adult will be right on time.
Oh my god I can't wait! I know exactly where and how I will pose her.
Can someone tell me who Despara was revealed to be? Was it Adora?
She chloroformed the janitor twice! I loved that scene.
@samuel As my first adult figure purchase I am very disappointed.
I don't understand? Why does it say the He-Man show? The logo should read She-Ra Princess of Power. 😠
She-Ra looks incredible!
Hehe I am too. I want She-Ra back in animation so bad and I also want Melendy Britt to return and do the voice. This would be a dream come true for me...